Hmmm... A sweet looking lady... With her tears in her eyes, she can really melt ones heart.. =) Enjoy the song...
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
A blessed sick day =)
(Taken from:
Instantly, I grabbed my towel and had a quick bath. Round about 730am, I was out of the house. Well, I think all things are truly well planned by God! The traffic was smooth and there is no sign of jam at all! I think most of the people are excited about tomorrow’s public holiday and decided to take off today as well. =) I arrived safely at 8am and I decided to take a nap in my car. Yes, I was super blur and I forgot to put an alarm to wake me up… This is what happened when you are sick! FORGETFUL AND BLUR! No I was not late for work, in fact I manage to wake up (miraculously) at 845am! Ahh.. God is truly good to me!
Here I am, before my laptop, feeling so darn blur and sick…. Well, one thing I can be sure of… My head kept on thinking about the message I heard and the pictures I saw yesterday. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about the kids in Sri Lanka. How they were to go through their day to day life and how they were to appreciate things that we constantly take for granted. Are you grateful to have a house? A bed? A toothbrush? Toothpaste maybe? Well, you must be thinking 633 is crazy but look at other people and their life! How many of them have the privilege to have a house with cement as their flooring? How many of them have the privilege to use the toilet? How many of them are privilege to have a bed to sleep on? There are so many out there, living a simple life. Too simple until the extend that they don’t even have furnitue in their house! Are we not suppose to be thankful people and appreciate what God has given onto us? Truly, He is good but how many of us are taking His blessing for granted?
Not feeling well today. I could hardly drag myself out of bed this morning! I am suppose to wake up 6 in the morning but I kept on pressing the snooze button and went back to bed. At last, I stop the alarm clock and wanting to get out from bed. I then realized that I can’t! My body was totally out of my control for few minutes and my nose was blocked. I didn’t have the strength at all to even wake up. There I was, staring at my ceiling with my eyes half opened. Yes, I did went back to sleep eventually. I only manage to drag myself out of the bed at 7am. Thank God for His alarm clock! I felt the dizziness and realized that I was having a slight fever. DARN! I got no time to loose and I will be late if I am not out of my bed!
Instantly, I grabbed my towel and had a quick bath. Round about 730am, I was out of the house. Well, I think all things are truly well planned by God! The traffic was smooth and there is no sign of jam at all! I think most of the people are excited about tomorrow’s public holiday and decided to take off today as well. =) I arrived safely at 8am and I decided to take a nap in my car. Yes, I was super blur and I forgot to put an alarm to wake me up… This is what happened when you are sick! FORGETFUL AND BLUR! No I was not late for work, in fact I manage to wake up (miraculously) at 845am! Ahh.. God is truly good to me!
Here I am, before my laptop, feeling so darn blur and sick…. Well, one thing I can be sure of… My head kept on thinking about the message I heard and the pictures I saw yesterday. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about the kids in Sri Lanka. How they were to go through their day to day life and how they were to appreciate things that we constantly take for granted. Are you grateful to have a house? A bed? A toothbrush? Toothpaste maybe? Well, you must be thinking 633 is crazy but look at other people and their life! How many of them have the privilege to have a house with cement as their flooring? How many of them have the privilege to use the toilet? How many of them are privilege to have a bed to sleep on? There are so many out there, living a simple life. Too simple until the extend that they don’t even have furnitue in their house! Are we not suppose to be thankful people and appreciate what God has given onto us? Truly, He is good but how many of us are taking His blessing for granted?
Lord, help me to be a thankful person and to appreciate your most precious gift from above.
=Signing off=
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Krishna Curry House
Today lunch was interesting.. My colleague brought me to Krishna Curry House together with other technicians. It is located at Jalan 222, Petaling Jaya. Wao... I have no reason at all to resist their mutton! It's SUPERB! Hahaha... It was so soft and tender... Their way of cooking things are quite unique. They actually served in claypot form (if you order it). Heheh... One thing I like about that place is.. I am able to eat with my hands and nobody is staring at you with a strange look. ^.^ Well if you like Indian food, do try this shop, especially the mutton =)
One thing caught my attention... It was their bill! I forgot to snap a photo of it though. It was filled with pictures, pictures and only pictures. There were no words like "Chicken", "fish" or "mutton" but pictures of them! Hahhaha... I find it quite funny when I looked at the thing... Hehehe... I will snap some photos if I have the chance to go there again ^.^
One thing caught my attention... It was their bill! I forgot to snap a photo of it though. It was filled with pictures, pictures and only pictures. There were no words like "Chicken", "fish" or "mutton" but pictures of them! Hahhaha... I find it quite funny when I looked at the thing... Hehehe... I will snap some photos if I have the chance to go there again ^.^
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Phil 3:13 - 14
Xim wu tam pok tia... Xiang ka gui eh lang ai tor aja... Xim zia cheng cho wa kar qi boi jip ke eh. Tapi xim an juar ani si tia? Lang jiu si ani kuan... Ani tam xim, ani pai si, ani boh nao!
Sorry readers, just want to post this to remind myself of something very important. Please ignore if you can't understand a word that I type. =)
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
RIP Bugs bunny...
An interesting start for my third week of work. I didn't have much sleep a day before Monday as I was awaken by a sick rabbit during the wee hours. The poor rabbit was suffering before she left me behind not knowing what raelly went wrong with her. Yes, she is no more around now but I can never forget her looks on that day.
Carrying her one last time before she left me was truly speechless. Just a second ago, she was alive and jumping and in splite second, the heart stop beating. Things in life is so uncertain. In fact, nothing is certain in life. Can you be so certain that you are able to spent all the money that you earn? Can you be certain that you will still have 10 years on earth? What about your job? Do you think you can secure it for another 10 years? Truly human work in vain if they are focusing on things of the earth. You can be so successful in your life but you left out one thing... How sure are you that you have a "tomorrow" to live on? Just like the rabbit, I didn't expect it to die few hours after I brought it back home. But it did...
I couldn't stop but to think of what King Solomon wrote on Ecclesiastes, "Meaningless, meaningless. Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.". I picked up the book and flip to the end of the chapter and remind myself of something important in life..
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man’s all.
For God will bring every work into judgment,
including every secret thing, whether good or evil.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Working world...
Dear diary,
After approximately 2 months of so called 'holidays', I'm back into the working world.. It has been a week since I started work. I'm currently working in an IT company and holding an interesting position. :)
My work for now will be monthly SLA reporting. I haven started anything yet but I'm currently 'playing' and observing their previous data. Meanwhile, I'm learning some new things regarding MS Excel from the internet. :) Ah.. It has been awhile since I last use Excel.. This will definately be a good time to polish up my skills :)
Hmmm... Still not familiar with the reporting yet but I believe, in due time, everything will be within my finger tip. I have to admit that I'm still feel raw with the environment but thank God for the people are nice to me over there :)
Well, I'm enjoying my time now in the office as there's not much work for me. However, I can foresee that it will be hectic in the coming week. I shall anticipate it and be ready for the battle! Gambateh neh!
=Sign off=
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Test... Are you ready?
I was browsing Facebook this afternoon and I saw a video shared by a friend of mine. The video instantly caught my attention as it is related to McDonald's. Oh yes, I am a McD fans Emmm.... "Was a McD fan" maybe? Details are as below:-
Content of the video 1: An experiment carried out by Morgan on McD food.
Purpose: To show us how food is broken down in our body.
OK, I have to say that it is DISGUSTING!!! As a French fries lover, I really wonder what on earth McD used to produce their French fries. Aren't they using POTATOES? *Pondering how much of McD French fries I have consumed throughout my whole life*
Out of curiosity, I went to YouTube and tried to search for a person who has carried out another experiment on the decomposition of McD food but this time for a longer period of time. Well, you bet I found one! Please be prepared to see what happens to McD food after 4 YEARS....
= Video 2 =
OK.... Interesting facts for the day....... Now I can understand why people can really gain weight by consuming fast food! That is because the food they are consuming are not breaking down as how it is expected to! My next question will be...... McD anyone? =P
Content of the video 1: An experiment carried out by Morgan on McD food.
Purpose: To show us how food is broken down in our body.
OK, I have to say that it is DISGUSTING!!! As a French fries lover, I really wonder what on earth McD used to produce their French fries. Aren't they using POTATOES? *Pondering how much of McD French fries I have consumed throughout my whole life*
Out of curiosity, I went to YouTube and tried to search for a person who has carried out another experiment on the decomposition of McD food but this time for a longer period of time. Well, you bet I found one! Please be prepared to see what happens to McD food after 4 YEARS....
= Video 2 =
OK.... Interesting facts for the day....... Now I can understand why people can really gain weight by consuming fast food! That is because the food they are consuming are not breaking down as how it is expected to! My next question will be...... McD anyone? =P
Saturday, October 17, 2009
The Lord shall be my strength
Tidakkah kautahu, dan tidakkah kaudengar? TUHAN ialah Tuhan kekal yang menciptakan bumi dari ujung ke ujung; Ia tidak menjadi lelah dan tidak menjadi lesu, tidak terduga pengertianNya. Dia memberi kekuatan kepada yang lelah dan menambah semangat kepada yang tidak berdaya. Orang muda menjadi lelah dan lesu dan teruna-teruna jatuh tersandung, tetapi orang yang menanti-nantikan TUHAN mendapat kekuatan baru; mereka seumpama rajawali yang naik terbang dengan kekuatan sayapnya; mereka berlari dan tidak menjadi lesu, mereka berjalan dan tidak menjadi lelah.
Tidakkah kautahu, dan tidakkah kaudengar? TUHAN ialah Tuhan kekal yang menciptakan bumi dari ujung ke ujung; Ia tidak menjadi lelah dan tidak menjadi lesu, tidak terduga pengertianNya. Dia memberi kekuatan kepada yang lelah dan menambah semangat kepada yang tidak berdaya. Orang muda menjadi lelah dan lesu dan teruna-teruna jatuh tersandung, tetapi orang yang menanti-nantikan TUHAN mendapat kekuatan baru; mereka seumpama rajawali yang naik terbang dengan kekuatan sayapnya; mereka berlari dan tidak menjadi lesu, mereka berjalan dan tidak menjadi lelah.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Be watchful
Something interesting that I read from Sunday School Teaching Network...
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
3 wishes...
Interesting short story I read through The Star.
A King's 3 wishes
After conquering many kingdoms, the great Greek king Alexander was returning home when he fell seriously ill. Nothing his generals did could cure him.
With death staring him in the face, Alex realised how his conquests, his great army, his sharp sword and all his wealth were of no value to him as he lay waiting to breathe his last. All he wanted then was to go home, see his mother's face and bid her a fond farewell. But knowing that he would not have time to reach his distant homeland, he summoned his generals and told them:
" I will depart from this world soon. I have 3 wishes which you must carry out without fail."
With tears flowing down their cheeks, all his men could do was nod.
"My first desire is that my physicians alone must carry my coffin."
After a long pause, the king continued, " when my coffin is being carried to the grave, the path leading to the graveyard should be strewn with the gold, silver and precious stones which I have in my treasury."
Quite exhausted by then, he said softly: "Finally, after I'm gone, let both my hands dangle out of my coffin."
The people who had gathered around the king wondered about his strange requests. But no one dared to ask about the rational behind them. Alex's favourite general then kissed his hands and pressed them to his heart. "I assure your highness that your wishes will be fulfilled. But why?"
At this the ailing monarch took a deep breathe and said: " I would like the world to know the 3 lessons I have just learnt."
"I want my physicians to carry my coffin because people should realise that no doctor can cure every ailment. Doctors cannot save a person from the clutches of death. So let not people take life for granted."
"Strewing gold, silver and other riches along the path to the graveyard will serve to remind everyone that I might have spent my life accumulating riches, but I cannot even take a piece of gold with me when I die. So let people realise that it is a sheer waste of time to chase wealth."
"As for the final wish to leave my hands dangling out of the coffin, I want people to know that I came empty-handed into this world and I will leave the same way."
With these words, the king closed his eyes as death conquered him.
(Taken from The Star, dated 6th September 2009)
A King's 3 wishes
After conquering many kingdoms, the great Greek king Alexander was returning home when he fell seriously ill. Nothing his generals did could cure him.
With death staring him in the face, Alex realised how his conquests, his great army, his sharp sword and all his wealth were of no value to him as he lay waiting to breathe his last. All he wanted then was to go home, see his mother's face and bid her a fond farewell. But knowing that he would not have time to reach his distant homeland, he summoned his generals and told them:
" I will depart from this world soon. I have 3 wishes which you must carry out without fail."
With tears flowing down their cheeks, all his men could do was nod.
"My first desire is that my physicians alone must carry my coffin."
After a long pause, the king continued, " when my coffin is being carried to the grave, the path leading to the graveyard should be strewn with the gold, silver and precious stones which I have in my treasury."
Quite exhausted by then, he said softly: "Finally, after I'm gone, let both my hands dangle out of my coffin."
The people who had gathered around the king wondered about his strange requests. But no one dared to ask about the rational behind them. Alex's favourite general then kissed his hands and pressed them to his heart. "I assure your highness that your wishes will be fulfilled. But why?"
At this the ailing monarch took a deep breathe and said: " I would like the world to know the 3 lessons I have just learnt."
"I want my physicians to carry my coffin because people should realise that no doctor can cure every ailment. Doctors cannot save a person from the clutches of death. So let not people take life for granted."
"Strewing gold, silver and other riches along the path to the graveyard will serve to remind everyone that I might have spent my life accumulating riches, but I cannot even take a piece of gold with me when I die. So let people realise that it is a sheer waste of time to chase wealth."
"As for the final wish to leave my hands dangling out of the coffin, I want people to know that I came empty-handed into this world and I will leave the same way."
With these words, the king closed his eyes as death conquered him.
(Taken from The Star, dated 6th September 2009)
...Food for thought...
On his deathbed, the king raelised those crucial lessons about life. What about you? Are you still not convince that all things in this world is meaningless? Did not the Bible told us that through Solomon? (Ecclesiastes) King Solomon was wealthy, filled with wisdom, have tonnes of servants, definitely tried many things of the world, have beautiful wives and kids etc. He was practically an"idol" for all isn't it? Don't you wish to be in Solomon's shoe, to enjoy all those hings? But look at what Solomon said in the conclusion of Ecclesiastes...Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man’s all.
For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing,
Whether good or evil.
Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man’s all.
For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing,
Whether good or evil.
Thus, chose wisely on what you are investing in this life... Remember, fear God and keep His commandments.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
John Calvin
(taken from:
Friday Youth Fellowship was interesting as we broke out from the norm and did a biography section instead. An influencial French reformist was picked and the story began....
I am not going to present you his biography here as it will be too long for me to do so. (For more information: But I would like to highlight something that triggered me to put on my thinking cap regarding this guy.
John was a simple and normal guy. However, many took notice of him not because of his looks, his family background etc but of his single-mindedness towards God. The things that he preached was nothing but the truth and only the truth he cling on to until the day he died.
I believe he really struggled in some part of his life as God placed him in a situation whereby John knew that it was God's will towards him but he didn't want to obey it. Nevertheless, who can win the almighty God? If that is His will, thus, He will ensure that His selected one will carry out His will according to His plan. So it was, John at last did what was required out of him willingly with God's strength. How many of us out there are willing to give their heart to God and obey even though what is in God's mind is different than ours? Well, I have to say that it's truly a big slap on myself as many times I chose to go on my own path and my own ways instead of His. How about you? Are you too rebelling against Him?
Secondly, John's life was truly very discipline. How many of us are truly having a discipline life? Yes, many might said what is the use of discipline life but think with me for a moment, if you are not discipline in your life, how much time have you wasted throughout all these years on earth? If you are discipline, you won't face the situation of "doing last minute work", you won't face the situation of "panic because work is undone" etc. Talking is easier than action, thus, am I doing what is necessary to cultivate discipline life? Ahhh... Sadly, the word "discipline" is still far away from me, I have to catch up and truly commit my weaknesses to Him for a changed life!
Last but not least, after all these years, John Calvin's is still 'among us'... Why? Why nobody remember you great great great grandparents but people remember who John Calvin was? Why? Because John Calvin devoted and invested his whole life into God's word and as it is written in the bible, "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." (Isaiah 40:8). Are you investing your life on the right thing? Or are you investing your life on worldly things (i.e. family, money, job etc)?
All in all, the whole section was a soul seeking section, well at least it is for me. It is a challenge put forth to me to check on my life. Am I living as howHe wants me to live? Am I glorifying His name as how I ought to? Am I being the light and salt of the world? May I too have the eyes that focus upon heavenly things, ears to listen to His words and a submissive heart to Christ.
I am not going to present you his biography here as it will be too long for me to do so. (For more information: But I would like to highlight something that triggered me to put on my thinking cap regarding this guy.
John was a simple and normal guy. However, many took notice of him not because of his looks, his family background etc but of his single-mindedness towards God. The things that he preached was nothing but the truth and only the truth he cling on to until the day he died.
I believe he really struggled in some part of his life as God placed him in a situation whereby John knew that it was God's will towards him but he didn't want to obey it. Nevertheless, who can win the almighty God? If that is His will, thus, He will ensure that His selected one will carry out His will according to His plan. So it was, John at last did what was required out of him willingly with God's strength. How many of us out there are willing to give their heart to God and obey even though what is in God's mind is different than ours? Well, I have to say that it's truly a big slap on myself as many times I chose to go on my own path and my own ways instead of His. How about you? Are you too rebelling against Him?
Secondly, John's life was truly very discipline. How many of us are truly having a discipline life? Yes, many might said what is the use of discipline life but think with me for a moment, if you are not discipline in your life, how much time have you wasted throughout all these years on earth? If you are discipline, you won't face the situation of "doing last minute work", you won't face the situation of "panic because work is undone" etc. Talking is easier than action, thus, am I doing what is necessary to cultivate discipline life? Ahhh... Sadly, the word "discipline" is still far away from me, I have to catch up and truly commit my weaknesses to Him for a changed life!
Last but not least, after all these years, John Calvin's is still 'among us'... Why? Why nobody remember you great great great grandparents but people remember who John Calvin was? Why? Because John Calvin devoted and invested his whole life into God's word and as it is written in the bible, "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand for ever." (Isaiah 40:8). Are you investing your life on the right thing? Or are you investing your life on worldly things (i.e. family, money, job etc)?
All in all, the whole section was a soul seeking section, well at least it is for me. It is a challenge put forth to me to check on my life. Am I living as howHe wants me to live? Am I glorifying His name as how I ought to? Am I being the light and salt of the world? May I too have the eyes that focus upon heavenly things, ears to listen to His words and a submissive heart to Christ.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Press on!
Reading Ecclesiastes for the very first time. Apparently, I am attracted to Solomon's writing. Have to admit that reading the passage really search my heart. Currently in the state of fighting with my own self. The will & desires within me are so strong until the extend I wish to give up and lay back.
There is a voice within me telling me to go on, go on, and go on.. Suddenly, it reminds me of Job. A man whom when through many trials yet he was still able to say the word "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised."(Job 1:21). What was Job thinking back then? What was is motivation to cling on to God, though many things took place in his life?
Only one thing I can be certain of... God is a faithful God. He is a God that fulfill all His promises. No, not one is forfeited. Yes, though things are "not in place" in your eyes but be of good cheer for it is in place in God's eyes. As God said "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29: 11), therefore, rejoice in your heart and serve Him with all your heart, knowing that He is in control of all things.
Monday, August 17, 2009
不断的飞翔。。 。渐渐的觉得疲惫。。。 歇了一会儿, 看看世界,才发觉我原来错过了很多东西。。。
I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
=Helen Keller=
I cannot do everything, but still I can do something;
and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
=Helen Keller=
Saturday, August 8, 2009
God's way and not man's way...
I was reading an article from the newspaper and it triggered me to think a little...
There was once a priest being invited to a foreign land, to a church nearby the sea. As he prepared himself, he was praying earnestly to God for good weather, free from traffic jam as well as journey mercy there. However, as he drove, the rain doesn't seem to abate but it became worse. He was disappointed and sad. In his heart, he can't stop thinking why is God not listening to his prayers? If the weather is so bad, who will probably come to church and listen to my preaching?
As he arrived, his heart was not in peace at all while he stepped in the church. To his amazement, the church was packed with people! He couldn't believe his eyes and wonder what was happening! The native preacher approached him and warmly welcome his coming.
"What.... What happened?"
"Ahh.... Because all the natives are fishermen, however, because the rain is too strong for them to go out the sea for fishing, thus all the young and old are here to listen to your sermon."
God's grace, mighty works, miracles, who can predict them?
Accidents, wars, man-made accidents and many more are continuously happening around us...
Why don't we learn to submit all things in God's hand?
Short yet meaningful, isn't it? Well, at least to me, it is..
There was once a priest being invited to a foreign land, to a church nearby the sea. As he prepared himself, he was praying earnestly to God for good weather, free from traffic jam as well as journey mercy there. However, as he drove, the rain doesn't seem to abate but it became worse. He was disappointed and sad. In his heart, he can't stop thinking why is God not listening to his prayers? If the weather is so bad, who will probably come to church and listen to my preaching?
As he arrived, his heart was not in peace at all while he stepped in the church. To his amazement, the church was packed with people! He couldn't believe his eyes and wonder what was happening! The native preacher approached him and warmly welcome his coming.
"What.... What happened?"
"Ahh.... Because all the natives are fishermen, however, because the rain is too strong for them to go out the sea for fishing, thus all the young and old are here to listen to your sermon."
God's grace, mighty works, miracles, who can predict them?
Accidents, wars, man-made accidents and many more are continuously happening around us...
Why don't we learn to submit all things in God's hand?
Short yet meaningful, isn't it? Well, at least to me, it is..
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you, says the LORD (Jeremiah 29: 11 - 14)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Love without degree..
Ironic == Characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is (Definition from WordWeb)
握着曾经被我用一把火烧的信, 信的右上角深深的留下痕迹... 阅读我亲手写的信, 心真的很酸. 但, 当我回想与上帝的约定, 上帝的恩典, 我, 渐渐的笑了. =) 真的很感激上帝一路来的带领. 如不是他的看顾, 我想我就不是现在的我了. 我, 渐渐的看见上帝对我的爱. 我虽不能了解为何上帝有此安排,但我清楚了解上帝是上帝。他的安排永是最好的。
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Lunch time =)
4 hungry girls, *I wonder where is the guy* led by Frodo Shan Shang, went to seek out food in an obscure place. After many sore trials and tribulations (getting rundown by speeding cars etc.), they reached the place. However, the threat from within loomed its ugly head and the fellowship was nearly broken... yada yada... captioning time :P
(Quote from 737's FB)
For a moment, I truly enjoy "acting stupid" in front of the camera... But on the other hand... Maybe not?? Why?? See.... What kind of "DISTORTED" story came out from a 'peaceful,' 'pleasant', 'enjoyable' lunch time of mine...
(Link to photos:
Deb, Willy, 737 & wife decided to drop by and have lunch with me today. Well, to be honest, that one hour seems to passed by very fast! Work was SUPER HECTIC today as my "client's " demand became more and more 'interesting'.. Thus, a short one hour break is truly "heaven" to me as that's when I truly throw aside all things and just enjoy my lunch together with my 'LOTR's cartoons' =P
Well, I believe the pictures + captions did a great job in describing my lunch hour today... THOUGH most of the captions are exaggerated... =P
Thanks for dropping by ^.^
For a moment, I truly enjoy "acting stupid" in front of the camera... But on the other hand... Maybe not?? Why?? See.... What kind of "DISTORTED" story came out from a 'peaceful,' 'pleasant', 'enjoyable' lunch time of mine...
(Link to photos:
Deb, Willy, 737 & wife decided to drop by and have lunch with me today. Well, to be honest, that one hour seems to passed by very fast! Work was SUPER HECTIC today as my "client's " demand became more and more 'interesting'.. Thus, a short one hour break is truly "heaven" to me as that's when I truly throw aside all things and just enjoy my lunch together with my 'LOTR's cartoons' =P
Well, I believe the pictures + captions did a great job in describing my lunch hour today... THOUGH most of the captions are exaggerated... =P
Thanks for dropping by ^.^
Thursday, July 2, 2009
A feeble leg..
Being asked by some for not updating my blog... Thus, here I am, fixing my eyes before the PC, writing this post.
A short 1 month seems unreasonably long to me.. Many things came about and decisions need to be made. Having that letter in hand, I looked at it and quietly listening to what she has to said to me before I leave the room. Somehow, I doubt for a moment, but when I leave the room, I know for a fact that, that is the path that I should take. Having the peace in heart, I cling on to my decision and may all things goes well =)
This will be a hectic month for me again... Sigh.. Yearning for a break!!! Truly, I am exhausted. The tiredness is beyond words. I truly yearn for a holiday and hopefully after this month, things will be more settled down in life. Maybe I will find a weekend and drive down to see my granny.. I miss my hometown =(
"Lord Jesus, I sin. Grant that I may never cease grieving because of it, never be content with myself, never think I can reach a point of perfection. Kill my envy, command my tongue, trample down self. Give me grace to be holy, kind, gentle, pure, peaceable, to live for Thee and not for self, to copy Thy words, acts, spirit, to be transformed into Thy likeness, to be consecrated wholly to Thee, to live entirely to Thy glory.
Lord, help me, for I am often lukewarm and chill; unbelief mars my confidence, sin makes me forget Thee. Let the weeds that grow in my soul be cut at their roots; grant me to know that I truly live only when I live to Thee, that all else is trifling. Thy presence alone can make me holy, devout, strong and happy. Abide in me, gracious God. "
(Taken from:
A short 1 month seems unreasonably long to me.. Many things came about and decisions need to be made. Having that letter in hand, I looked at it and quietly listening to what she has to said to me before I leave the room. Somehow, I doubt for a moment, but when I leave the room, I know for a fact that, that is the path that I should take. Having the peace in heart, I cling on to my decision and may all things goes well =)
"There's a way tat seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death."
This will be a hectic month for me again... Sigh.. Yearning for a break!!! Truly, I am exhausted. The tiredness is beyond words. I truly yearn for a holiday and hopefully after this month, things will be more settled down in life. Maybe I will find a weekend and drive down to see my granny.. I miss my hometown =(
"Lord Jesus, I sin. Grant that I may never cease grieving because of it, never be content with myself, never think I can reach a point of perfection. Kill my envy, command my tongue, trample down self. Give me grace to be holy, kind, gentle, pure, peaceable, to live for Thee and not for self, to copy Thy words, acts, spirit, to be transformed into Thy likeness, to be consecrated wholly to Thee, to live entirely to Thy glory.
Deliver me from attachment to things unclean, from wrong associations, from the predominance of evil passions, from the sugar of sin as well as its gap; that with self-loathing, deep contrition, earnest heart searching I may come to Thee, cast myself on Thee, trust in Thee, cry to Thee, be delivered by Thee.
O God, the Eternal All, help me to know that all things are shadows, but Thou art substance, all things are quicksands, but Thou art mountain, all things are shifting, but Thou art anchor, all things are ignorance, but Thou art wisdom.
(Taken from:
Monday, June 29, 2009
H1N1 Song????
Something interesting that my boss send to me.... OK, it is disgusting... Be prepared... I was amaze how people can use such a disease to come out with such a song ==.....==""""
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Why should God write a book for us?
Currently reading a book by Jill Master.
May I present her work.... (Summarize version aka only taking main points)
Title: Why do we need the bible?
Bible reading: Job 9:10 ; Psalm 119 esp v105; Psalm 145
Bible is the only Book claims to be written by God. Its human authors having been guided in every word by the Holy Spirit.
Why should God write a book for us?
a) Because He made us
The bible is our Maker's instruction Book. He knows far better than we know ourselves. How strange it must seem that human should think they know better than their Maker! Human are so small and He is so great! We need God to reveal Himself to us and teach us how we should live.
b) Because we are only human
We are physical (flesh & bone) while God is spiritual. He is everywhere, all knowing and everlasting. Could a fish write a book about life on dry land? Or could a blind man write a book on sunset photography? How then can we write about Heaven / about God when we haven known or experienced either?
c) Because we are so sinful
We sinners are not the best people to understand the plans of a holy God. We have rebelled and offended our Maker. He must show us the terms of forgiveness & reconciliation.
d) Because we are so changeable
Our ideas & theories change from year to year. Leaders rise and fall. Scientists & politicians change their minds. But God is unchanging. He never varies and He put His truth down in writing so that it can be preserved and handed down from 1 generation to another without alteration.
Our world is a dark place, away from God. Even the cleverest, "best" people are only little humans, deeply affected by the disease of sin. How wonderful then that God has shined into our darkness with the light of His word - a lamp to our feet and a light to our path - showing us the Truth, telling us the good news of a Saviour.
May I present her work.... (Summarize version aka only taking main points)
Title: Why do we need the bible?
Bible reading: Job 9:10 ; Psalm 119 esp v105; Psalm 145
Bible is the only Book claims to be written by God. Its human authors having been guided in every word by the Holy Spirit.
Why should God write a book for us?
a) Because He made us
The bible is our Maker's instruction Book. He knows far better than we know ourselves. How strange it must seem that human should think they know better than their Maker! Human are so small and He is so great! We need God to reveal Himself to us and teach us how we should live.
b) Because we are only human
We are physical (flesh & bone) while God is spiritual. He is everywhere, all knowing and everlasting. Could a fish write a book about life on dry land? Or could a blind man write a book on sunset photography? How then can we write about Heaven / about God when we haven known or experienced either?
c) Because we are so sinful
We sinners are not the best people to understand the plans of a holy God. We have rebelled and offended our Maker. He must show us the terms of forgiveness & reconciliation.
d) Because we are so changeable
Our ideas & theories change from year to year. Leaders rise and fall. Scientists & politicians change their minds. But God is unchanging. He never varies and He put His truth down in writing so that it can be preserved and handed down from 1 generation to another without alteration.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Bangkok Jazz...
I met up with my senior for dinner yesterday. He wanted something spicy and my colleague suggested that we go Bangkok Jazz.. So off we go.. It is located at Chulan Square and the best part? It is empty inside... Mind you, I don't like crowded place and since it is empty the service of the restaurant is good!
(Taken from:
This is the view of the interior... It is as though catering for couples, it is practically candle light dinner... (=..-)" It is simple, calming environment... Love it!! The waiters were constantly checking on you. They were very proactive! They don't wait until you ask for something but they will "forecast" ahead.. I have to give them a pat on their back for their service. =)
(Taken from:
The menu in the restaurant is interesting... Why? Because... I don't even know what I was ordering.. Hahaha.. It is in Thai but with some short description below every single dish. Hmmm... We didn't try their appetizer though.. We went straight to main course as we were so darn hungry!!! The serving was fast!
Specially requested by my senior , pineapple fried rice. Ended up he didn't eat much as he wanted me to eat more. ^.^
Lastly.... TOM YAM SOUP! This soup is SUPERB! Hahaha... The amount of things they put in... Wulala~ It's really very nice! I totally enjoyed the soup! OK, it's spicy! But... NICE!
In short, I enjoy the meal! It's simply yet nice! All the food were well cooked! Ahh.. How I wish I can have another bowl of the tom yam soup now! SLURP!!! ^^
For those who are interested in trying out, here are the details:-
Restaurant name: Bangkok Jazz Thai Bistro (opposite Pavillion / Menara Keck Seng)
Lot B1-A, Chulan Square
92, Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
Wilayah Persekutuan
For those who are interested in trying out, here are the details:-
Restaurant name: Bangkok Jazz Thai Bistro (opposite Pavillion / Menara Keck Seng)
Lot B1-A, Chulan Square
92, Jalan Raja Chulan
50200 Kuala Lumpur
Wilayah Persekutuan
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Few weeks back I went to Jogoya with my family for family dinner. A place that I yearned for so long.. At last my dream came true!!! We manage to get a discount for the dinner, on top of that, my cousin manage to get a VIP card! With the VIP card, we were able to eat some of the special food in Jogoya..
We were there 30 minutes earlier as we were told that it will be pack if we didn't go there early. OK, we are kiasu.. But look at the crowd!!!
Looking at the crowd, I was truly expecting a good meal before marching in to the restaurant.. The moment I stepped in there, I went to the Haagen Dazz section and took 1 big cup of ice cream to enjoy =P *rub tummy* Superb!! It is a Japanese buffet restaurant from Taiwan. Nevertheless, some of the food you will need to put in your orders and then they will deliver it to your table. If you are a "VIP" there, you are eligible to eat some of their special food over there, i.e. lobster, durian cake etc (only one dish).
However, to my disappointment, the food wasn't as nice as I expected it to be.. I was shock that their sushi selection were limited. Besides that, with the amount of people there, food were served in slow pace. It took them at least 30 minutes to deliver your order(s). I only manage to eat 4 slices of unagi!! Cis... Well, I have to admit that their dessert are nice! I like their durian cake and chocolate cake. Well.. Practically, I love their dessert.. Omochi, pudding, cakes etc.. SLURP!!
All in all, I don't think it is worth going to Jogoya unless there's discount.. Well, if you wish to try it out, you can actually grab this opportunity to try it out as they are having promotion (buy 2 get 1 free) now! Enjoy... =)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Not the righteous Jesus came to save
心中的结似乎一一揭开了。。 不知怎么了,我,打开心胸,把一切一切都从脑袋中删除。捆在里头的痛, 悲与泪, 都一一抛开。。 在利未记10:3 上帝说 “我在亲近我的人中要显为圣;在众民面前,我要得荣耀” 。读到此篇, 我顿时呆了会儿。此话语顿时叫醒了“睡梦中”的我。。
试问有多少人真正的依照神的方式来敬拜他?试问有多少人为了上帝而活? 我的每一步,我的每一句话,我的一举一动, 都在敬畏神吗? 你,又如何呢?
I have to admit that working life is difficult. I have to admit that I spent more time working compared to spending time with the Lord. I truly hate the working world. It is like a subtle way of the devil to draw you away from the Lord if you are not careful with things. Every moves you made, every words you speak, every thoughts you have, are they are glorifying the Lord God almighty? At the sight of many, are you then honouring Him? Are you?
I can assure you one thing... There will be never ending work in the office. If you resigned one day, someone will come in to replace you and the company continues on operating. After few years, if you were to go back to the company, hardly anyone will recognise you. Am I not correct? Yes, you may be the CEO of the company, you may be someone holding to a high position, but may I ask... So what? After 10 years, will anyone remember you? Most probably no.. Why then are you pursuing something that is not permanent? Why then are you focusing so much upon your work? True, as a Christian, we should also work for a living but God didn't ask us to be a workaholic and ended up forsaking Him, isn't it? Even in our work place, we should be honouring Him as He should be honoured. Am I doing that?
Things seem so different now. I need to do a lot of adjustment and major changes need to take place. My life now is so "messy" and I know the fact that I am not living as how I ought to.. Yes, I am anticipate obstacles before me, nevertheless, I shall stand up with the strength of God and face it. Changes need to be done for the fact that God asked us to be holy for He is holy. Yes, I have to admit that I will fall constantly. Nevertheless, one word God implant in my heart that encourage me much to continue on in this journey... "Not the righteous, sinner Jesus came to save..."
May God help us all..
试问有多少人真正的依照神的方式来敬拜他?试问有多少人为了上帝而活? 我的每一步,我的每一句话,我的一举一动, 都在敬畏神吗? 你,又如何呢?
I have to admit that working life is difficult. I have to admit that I spent more time working compared to spending time with the Lord. I truly hate the working world. It is like a subtle way of the devil to draw you away from the Lord if you are not careful with things. Every moves you made, every words you speak, every thoughts you have, are they are glorifying the Lord God almighty? At the sight of many, are you then honouring Him? Are you?
I can assure you one thing... There will be never ending work in the office. If you resigned one day, someone will come in to replace you and the company continues on operating. After few years, if you were to go back to the company, hardly anyone will recognise you. Am I not correct? Yes, you may be the CEO of the company, you may be someone holding to a high position, but may I ask... So what? After 10 years, will anyone remember you? Most probably no.. Why then are you pursuing something that is not permanent? Why then are you focusing so much upon your work? True, as a Christian, we should also work for a living but God didn't ask us to be a workaholic and ended up forsaking Him, isn't it? Even in our work place, we should be honouring Him as He should be honoured. Am I doing that?
Things seem so different now. I need to do a lot of adjustment and major changes need to take place. My life now is so "messy" and I know the fact that I am not living as how I ought to.. Yes, I am anticipate obstacles before me, nevertheless, I shall stand up with the strength of God and face it. Changes need to be done for the fact that God asked us to be holy for He is holy. Yes, I have to admit that I will fall constantly. Nevertheless, one word God implant in my heart that encourage me much to continue on in this journey... "Not the righteous, sinner Jesus came to save..."
May God help us all..
Friday, April 17, 2009
Out of town?
Will be traveling to Pahang in few hours time... Yes, it's darn late now and I just finish doing some super super last minute shopping before Tesco call off a day... Super tired now... Best part of all? I haven start packing and I need to be at my office at 7am.... How great it is....
Ciaoz for now... Will put in some interesting photos once I get back from Pahang ^^
Ciaoz for now... Will put in some interesting photos once I get back from Pahang ^^
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Daddy.. Can you hold my hand?
(Taken from:
心不在焉。。。 事情似乎越来越复杂, 但,我, 真的很疲惫。疲惫导致我放弃一切。疲惫导致我向一切放手。 虽知他的话语一点伤害我的意都没有,但,我依然耿耿于怀?
上帝,原谅我的愚笨。原谅我因我不是你的好女儿。原谅我因没处处为人着想。 原谅我的一切一切。。 因为我是一名罪人, 一名永远都不能停止犯罪的罪人。。 上帝啊,我真的一概都不想要。。 也不敢在你面前要求任何东西关于此事。 我。。 彻底的放手。
神啊,在往年,你带领了很多基督徒。 历史证明了你的爱, 你的忠诚,与你的力量等。在此刻,我也依然抱着那个信心, 你,依然会带领。任何一只迷路的绵羊,你都会把它带回你的身边, 不是吗?上蒂啊, 求求你带领我。。 一只常常迷路的小绵羊。。。
Allow me to see Your footprint, so that in them, I will put in mine...
上帝,原谅我的愚笨。原谅我因我不是你的好女儿。原谅我因没处处为人着想。 原谅我的一切一切。。 因为我是一名罪人, 一名永远都不能停止犯罪的罪人。。 上帝啊,我真的一概都不想要。。 也不敢在你面前要求任何东西关于此事。 我。。 彻底的放手。
神啊,在往年,你带领了很多基督徒。 历史证明了你的爱, 你的忠诚,与你的力量等。在此刻,我也依然抱着那个信心, 你,依然会带领。任何一只迷路的绵羊,你都会把它带回你的身边, 不是吗?上蒂啊, 求求你带领我。。 一只常常迷路的小绵羊。。。
Allow me to see Your footprint, so that in them, I will put in mine...
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
The day when all things went wrong..
I couldn't stop myself from thinking... Thinking of what God told me previously. Am I at the position to speak? Am I at the position to act? Am I? Things seem to be complicated yet the root of all things fall back to one simple question.... Are you trusting in the Lord and are you willing to bear up that cross of your's every single day of your life? Who do you live for in this life? The Lord? Or self?
Slowly getting closer to the world... At the edge of the cliff... Still the Lord is offering me His hand and asking me to reconsider my life. A young lady is able to serve the Lord faithfully and able to do much for the Lord, why can't I? One crucial element draws a line between me and her... Which is the commitment and the trust upon our Lord Jesus Christ. Are you putting your trust upon the right thing? Or are you putting your trust upon the world?
The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God stands forever. (Isaiah 40:8)
Slowly getting closer to the world... At the edge of the cliff... Still the Lord is offering me His hand and asking me to reconsider my life. A young lady is able to serve the Lord faithfully and able to do much for the Lord, why can't I? One crucial element draws a line between me and her... Which is the commitment and the trust upon our Lord Jesus Christ. Are you putting your trust upon the right thing? Or are you putting your trust upon the world?
The grass withers and the flowers fall,
but the word of our God stands forever. (Isaiah 40:8)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
病的快要放弃痊愈的机会。。。 康复了,又再次的生病。。 真的快要疯了。。
短短的一星期,很快的又要画上了句号。脑袋不停的在细考。。 似乎越来越多疑问。。 不停的问自己到底自己站在哪个岗位。。 我似乎失去了平衡点,脑袋似乎离我而去。。 模糊的视线, 不平稳的脚步,失去了理智, 我,再次的跌倒。
一个跌倒的女孩,正在痛苦当中,一心一意的只想从跌倒中爬起,但却不断的跌。。 罪, 是可恶的。。 刹那间, 我突然有了个念头,我真得恨不得想打醒自己,提醒我自己,只有神, 唯有神能救我。。 醒醒吧, 刘珊杉!!!!
O to grace how great a debtor, daily I keep this in view.
Let Your grace Lord, like a fetter, bound my wondering heart to You.
短短的一星期,很快的又要画上了句号。脑袋不停的在细考。。 似乎越来越多疑问。。 不停的问自己到底自己站在哪个岗位。。 我似乎失去了平衡点,脑袋似乎离我而去。。 模糊的视线, 不平稳的脚步,失去了理智, 我,再次的跌倒。
一个跌倒的女孩,正在痛苦当中,一心一意的只想从跌倒中爬起,但却不断的跌。。 罪, 是可恶的。。 刹那间, 我突然有了个念头,我真得恨不得想打醒自己,提醒我自己,只有神, 唯有神能救我。。 醒醒吧, 刘珊杉!!!!
O to grace how great a debtor, daily I keep this in view.
Let Your grace Lord, like a fetter, bound my wondering heart to You.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Bad day?? Bad hair??
Nothing is wrong with my hair... My hair is perfectly fine, EXCEPT the fact that the person with that hair is unhappy with it. Aisheh all the drama going on after I cut my hair... TensioN~~~~ (-.=)"
When I arrived in the office.....
a) My colleague (C1) got a shock when I opened the door and walked in... First thing that came out of her mouth...
C1: "What happened??"
33: *Duh look* Don't comment on my hair, I know it looks horrible... *Walk to my work station*
C1: "Why suddenly go cut your hair like that?? "
33: "Buntut gataL~" *SAD* "Some more not 'balent'"
C1: "Show, show"
33: (=..=)
C1: OH MY.......
33: "I got not enough money to cut the other side.. That's why..."
C1: LOL...
33: *Ignore, do work*
b) My boss came into the office....
Boss: *SHOCK* *step back a little* "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR???"
33: (-.=)"
Boss:........ You shouldn't have cut your hair, it looks better last time...
33: YES!
I thought all the drama is coming to an end..... HOWEVER.... While I was walking to the server room...
MIS guy: "Shan Shang, turn turn..."
33: *REFUSE*
MIS guy: "Shan Shang"
33: "I chose to ignore you~~~~~~" *quickly walk off*
During lunch...................................... Walking....................
Some of our office colleague (different department) were walking with us....
TO MY HORROR..... One of them actually turn back and looked at me.... (-.=)" NO! I am not pretty or anything but because of my HAIR CUT (-.=)' My boss looking at the situation started to make fun of me and that guy... (-.=)"
BEST PART??? A colleague of mine can actually came up to me while I was buying lunch, looked at me as though I am an alien.. He did that TWICE! Popping his face in front of me, looking at me carefully... (-...+)" He ended up getting beating from me for his action =P
Back from lunch... Account department guy came in to ask something...
Accountant: *Blink, blink, staring at me* "You cut your hair?"
33: "Don't talk about my hair, it's horrible"
Account: "OK mah"
33: *Straight face*
Account: "If that person is not beautiful, regardless what type of hair style also the same..." *Giggle*
33: *DIIIISSSHHHH* "Don't like you la~~~"
In between there were many dramas... These are the few that I remember~~~Mind you... Today is only the FIRST DAY.... (-.=)" How can I survive?? One thing I know for sure that 737 and dear are anticipating to see me... Hopefully I won't get any KC from Pastor... CIS~
When I arrived in the office.....
a) My colleague (C1) got a shock when I opened the door and walked in... First thing that came out of her mouth...
C1: "What happened??"
33: *Duh look* Don't comment on my hair, I know it looks horrible... *Walk to my work station*
C1: "Why suddenly go cut your hair like that?? "
33: "Buntut gataL~" *SAD* "Some more not 'balent'"
C1: "Show, show"
33: (=..=)
C1: OH MY.......
33: "I got not enough money to cut the other side.. That's why..."
C1: LOL...
33: *Ignore, do work*
b) My boss came into the office....
Boss: *SHOCK* *step back a little* "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR???"
33: (-.=)"
Boss:........ You shouldn't have cut your hair, it looks better last time...
33: YES!
I thought all the drama is coming to an end..... HOWEVER.... While I was walking to the server room...
MIS guy: "Shan Shang, turn turn..."
33: *REFUSE*
MIS guy: "Shan Shang"
33: "I chose to ignore you~~~~~~" *quickly walk off*
During lunch...................................... Walking....................
Some of our office colleague (different department) were walking with us....
TO MY HORROR..... One of them actually turn back and looked at me.... (-.=)" NO! I am not pretty or anything but because of my HAIR CUT (-.=)' My boss looking at the situation started to make fun of me and that guy... (-.=)"
BEST PART??? A colleague of mine can actually came up to me while I was buying lunch, looked at me as though I am an alien.. He did that TWICE! Popping his face in front of me, looking at me carefully... (-...+)" He ended up getting beating from me for his action =P
Back from lunch... Account department guy came in to ask something...
Accountant: *Blink, blink, staring at me* "You cut your hair?"
33: "Don't talk about my hair, it's horrible"
Account: "OK mah"
33: *Straight face*
Account: "If that person is not beautiful, regardless what type of hair style also the same..." *Giggle*
33: *DIIIISSSHHHH* "Don't like you la~~~"
In between there were many dramas... These are the few that I remember~~~Mind you... Today is only the FIRST DAY.... (-.=)" How can I survive?? One thing I know for sure that 737 and dear are anticipating to see me... Hopefully I won't get any KC from Pastor... CIS~
Saturday, March 7, 2009
在我最后一次,闭上眼睛之前,我想對你說我愛你 在你怀里,舍不得放弃,心里有千万语还没说给你听我使劲全力,不 想闭上眼睛,这次告别就不能再相遇不能再陪你,但不要忘记你曾经 答应我你会好好活下去 (我永远爱你)* 先走了~去了好远的地方,不能再陪你看日出等不到天亮所有回忆抹 去却并不容易,生死由天决定不要太伤心 *repeat
For the last time, before I close my eyes, I wish to tell you I love you. In your embrace, unwilling to give up, in my heart, I have many things that I yet to tell you. I used all my strength, unwilling to close my eyes, for if I said goodbye now I will never see you again, unable to accompany you. However, do not forget that you promise me that you will live well ( I love you forever). I'm going first, going to a far away place. Unable to accompany you to see the sun rise. Unable to wait until day break. All the memories are erase but it is never easy. Life and death is determine by God, thus, do not be to sad.
在我最后一次,闭上眼睛之前,我想對你說我愛你 在你怀里,舍不得放弃,心里有千万语还没说给你听我使劲全力,不 想闭上眼睛,这次告别就不能再相遇不能再陪你,但不要忘记你曾经 答应我你会好好活下去 (我永远爱你)* 先走了~去了好远的地方,不能再陪你看日出等不到天亮所有回忆抹 去却并不容易,生死由天决定不要太伤心 *repeat
For the last time, before I close my eyes, I wish to tell you I love you. In your embrace, unwilling to give up, in my heart, I have many things that I yet to tell you. I used all my strength, unwilling to close my eyes, for if I said goodbye now I will never see you again, unable to accompany you. However, do not forget that you promise me that you will live well ( I love you forever). I'm going first, going to a far away place. Unable to accompany you to see the sun rise. Unable to wait until day break. All the memories are erase but it is never easy. Life and death is determine by God, thus, do not be to sad.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Let the pictures do the talking *33 shut up*
Once upon a time.....
There was a tired little girl..... Awaiting to jump on her bed and.......
After she switched off the light.... Her vision is similar to....
While walking..... Suddenly.....
OK... End of lullaby... You can go and sleep now... =P
There was a tired little girl..... Awaiting to jump on her bed and.......
(Taken from:
After she switched off the light.... Her vision is similar to....
While walking..... Suddenly.....
(Taken from:
She knows she stepped on something.... She used her hand to push the thing away from her leg... She felt something small..... She was so in pain that she quickly on the light and sat on the bed holding her leg... Guess what...... It's... A......
OK... End of lullaby... You can go and sleep now... =P
Yes... I was stung by a bee... It's a small bee but definitely not as sweet looking as the picture. I will let you see what is the consequence of not going for a doctor after being stung by a bee....
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
(Taken from: )
I was doing my work whilst listening to Mix FM normally. However, every time I hear the "Lie Detector advertisement", it never fail to catch my attention. I will stop my work for a short while and just listen to the conversation.
What caught my attention the most is the relationship of a husband and wife. The wife wanted to know whether the husband is cheating on her and thus the husband was asked to take the lie detector seat. The DJ will then ask him some related questions. Well, if the whole scenario is true, the husband is really unfaithful towards the wife!!!
Ahhh... How humiliating it is to annouced that to the whole Malaysia (well practically the whole Malaysia). Most importantly, how will the wife feels? She must be heart broken. It's really a big blow to her, isn't it? If I were to put you in her shoe, how would you feel? If my future husband is really unfaithful towards me, how then will I react? To be honest, I wish to walk away (divorce) and never wish to see his face again. I felt disgusted.
Speaking of such issue, I was thinking.... Human disgusted me when they are unfaithful towards their spouse, what about God? Am I faithful towards Him? Am I doing what is commanded by Him everyday, every single time? I couldn't stop thinking how disgusting I am before God. I couldn't see myself standing up before God.
All these while, God has never been unfaithful towards me, why then am I not being faithful towards Him? I felt myself in the shoe of the husband. I tried to pretend before Him that I am faithful towards Him and constantly obeying His laws but I know I am still sinning against Him... I can't hide as He is an all-knowing God!
Lord, have your ways in me. Allow your Holy Spirit to humble this harden heart of mine. Teach me not to sin against You! You know it well that with my own strength I can do nothing good out of it. Please, O Lord, please, if You are willing, help me... Nothing I ask from you but for your strength to be given to me to walk this narrow path.
What caught my attention the most is the relationship of a husband and wife. The wife wanted to know whether the husband is cheating on her and thus the husband was asked to take the lie detector seat. The DJ will then ask him some related questions. Well, if the whole scenario is true, the husband is really unfaithful towards the wife!!!
Ahhh... How humiliating it is to annouced that to the whole Malaysia (well practically the whole Malaysia). Most importantly, how will the wife feels? She must be heart broken. It's really a big blow to her, isn't it? If I were to put you in her shoe, how would you feel? If my future husband is really unfaithful towards me, how then will I react? To be honest, I wish to walk away (divorce) and never wish to see his face again. I felt disgusted.
Speaking of such issue, I was thinking.... Human disgusted me when they are unfaithful towards their spouse, what about God? Am I faithful towards Him? Am I doing what is commanded by Him everyday, every single time? I couldn't stop thinking how disgusting I am before God. I couldn't see myself standing up before God.
All these while, God has never been unfaithful towards me, why then am I not being faithful towards Him? I felt myself in the shoe of the husband. I tried to pretend before Him that I am faithful towards Him and constantly obeying His laws but I know I am still sinning against Him... I can't hide as He is an all-knowing God!
Lord, have your ways in me. Allow your Holy Spirit to humble this harden heart of mine. Teach me not to sin against You! You know it well that with my own strength I can do nothing good out of it. Please, O Lord, please, if You are willing, help me... Nothing I ask from you but for your strength to be given to me to walk this narrow path.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
An undeserving sinner before God
Ahhh... Back to my small little home.... Interesting week indeed.... *Since I refuse to share in YF, I will then share it here*
How many of you realised that you are so privilege in your life? Don't many of you obtain a mobile phone? A house to stay in? Clothing to cover yourself and keep yourself warm? How about friends? Family? Aren't you thankful for the peace? Aren't you thankful that you are healthy?
Compared yourself with someone who doesn't even have a house. Compared yourself with someone living under war situation. Compared with those people who are starving. Now, tell me, aren't you privilege? Many of us take things for granted for we are too familiar with the things we have in our life. Are you one of them?
I couldn't stop myself from thinking all these things after I read the birth of Christ from the bible. He is the King of all kings and Lord of all lords but He chose to humble Himself and came down to earth. As God, He can chose to be born in a palace or somewhere grand and great yet He doesn't. He was born in a manger and He doesn't even have the privilage to sleep in a comfortable bed as we are. He even go to the extend of dying on the cross, even though He's sinless.
A sinless Man, there He was, being born in a manger and die a humiliating death. He deserved all things on earth yet He chose not to receive it and to gave up all things for the sake of His Father's will. Here I am, a sinful girl, having many things in hand yet being so attached with the world and constantly sinning against the Father.
I couldn't stop the thought that I am truly not deserving, yes, even His grace, I am not qualified to receive it. Why aren't I appreciating what He has done on the cross as much as to put away all the worldly thoughts of mine? Why am I constantly not doing what's required by Him? As God said to the Isrealites when they came out of Red Sea, "If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you." Am I then listening carefully and keeping His commandments as I ought to?
How frail I am, O Lord. Help me to know my end and help me to measure my days on earth! Thank you Lord. Thank you for the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ came down to earth not to save the righteous but sinners! Thank you for the fact that He gave freely to those who repent of their sins and trust in Him. Thank you for the fact that He is here with me, even right now. Thank you for all things that's given to me so freely. Teach me O Lord to appreciate what you have done on the cross and help me O Lord to live a life that's fruitful and glorifying to You.
Praise and glory be to You forever and ever. Amen.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Tongue & words
Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
Christian will struggle with sin. However, how many of you are also considering your tongue as something very dangerous? Look at James, I have to agree with him that indeed the tongue is the smallest asset on our body yet it is truly evil and filled with poison. How about David? A king, a successful king in OT but yet what he said in one of his psalms? "I will guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue; I will guard my mouth as with a muzzle." (Psalm 39:1). Are you truly considering your tongue as one of the agents of sin??
Words can build up others whilst if it is misused, it will bring forth devastating consequences. Many times I have been speaking too quickly without having much thoughts upon it. Subsequently, both parties (hearer and speaker) will then suffer the consequences. Apology to all those whom I have offended and haven reconcile with you. Regardless whether is it the past or recently, I truly apologies for my immaturity in withholding my tongue as I ought to. I am not perfect and never will until the day I die and resurrect with my Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, bear with my imperfect as I will bear in mind that I should constantly be watchful with my tongue and words with others.
Don't gossip, don't say something that will hurt others, etc. In short, speak only edifying things and brush away all those things that is not glorifying God's name on earth. May I learn from David to guard over my mouth with a muzzle.
(James 3:5 - 8)
Christian will struggle with sin. However, how many of you are also considering your tongue as something very dangerous? Look at James, I have to agree with him that indeed the tongue is the smallest asset on our body yet it is truly evil and filled with poison. How about David? A king, a successful king in OT but yet what he said in one of his psalms? "I will guard my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue; I will guard my mouth as with a muzzle." (Psalm 39:1). Are you truly considering your tongue as one of the agents of sin??
Words can build up others whilst if it is misused, it will bring forth devastating consequences. Many times I have been speaking too quickly without having much thoughts upon it. Subsequently, both parties (hearer and speaker) will then suffer the consequences. Apology to all those whom I have offended and haven reconcile with you. Regardless whether is it the past or recently, I truly apologies for my immaturity in withholding my tongue as I ought to. I am not perfect and never will until the day I die and resurrect with my Lord Jesus Christ. Thus, bear with my imperfect as I will bear in mind that I should constantly be watchful with my tongue and words with others.
Don't gossip, don't say something that will hurt others, etc. In short, speak only edifying things and brush away all those things that is not glorifying God's name on earth. May I learn from David to guard over my mouth with a muzzle.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Just went out of words lately... Uncertain of what is really going on but I know He is in control of all things. I know something big awaits... Yet time is not ready to reveal it...
A short trip back to Muar remind me something important in life.. Man is indeed sinful.. Man constantly wanting to do things their ways according to their desires. As long as they achieve what they desires, they are not bothered about others. They will turn a deaf ears upon your words because they are busy pursuing their so called "dreams"...
I shun away from my cousin because I couldn't see myself "having fun with them" like old times. All those chatting moments, all those reunion moments, went within the thin air and disappear before my eyes. This time around, things aren't the same anymore.. You might said that I am rigid and lifeless, then let it be so.. I grew tired of answering or listening to others comments upon me.
Nobody is perfect, so am I. May this life glorify His name and may I live to the fullest for His name sake. Lord, make me to know mine end, and what is the measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am. (Psalm 39:4).
A short trip back to Muar remind me something important in life.. Man is indeed sinful.. Man constantly wanting to do things their ways according to their desires. As long as they achieve what they desires, they are not bothered about others. They will turn a deaf ears upon your words because they are busy pursuing their so called "dreams"...
I shun away from my cousin because I couldn't see myself "having fun with them" like old times. All those chatting moments, all those reunion moments, went within the thin air and disappear before my eyes. This time around, things aren't the same anymore.. You might said that I am rigid and lifeless, then let it be so.. I grew tired of answering or listening to others comments upon me.
Nobody is perfect, so am I. May this life glorify His name and may I live to the fullest for His name sake. Lord, make me to know mine end, and what is the measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am. (Psalm 39:4).
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Happy Chinese new year to all!
GONG XI FA CHAI to all!!!!
SO EXCITED!!!! AT LAST!!!!! GRANNY!!!! HERE I COME!!!!!!! ^.^
p/s I am going back Muar.... Hope to come back with tonnes of photos to show all of you! ^.^
SO EXCITED!!!! AT LAST!!!!! GRANNY!!!! HERE I COME!!!!!!! ^.^
p/s I am going back Muar.... Hope to come back with tonnes of photos to show all of you! ^.^
Thursday, January 15, 2009
No men can be trusted..
Today is a day where everything goes... "Huh??? Huh?? HUH????"
Yes... Blur~
I just heard "Yes, Shan.. YES, SHAN...", then I go blank... All things took place too fast until I got stone for a short while in front of the computer.. I seriously couldn't believe my ears... Tears filled my eyes but I stop it from flowing. I walked off the room as though nothing happened. I choose to be patient and wait for people to approach me.. I was even more shock when I heard the truth... Only one thing came into my head...
Jeremiah 17:5-10
Thus says the LORD:
“Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the LORD. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, And shall not see when good comes, But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, In a salt land which is not inhabited. “ Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, And whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit. “ The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.
Truly man shouldn't be trusted because all are sinners! The heart is indeed the most deceitful things ever! I didn't curse though some asked to do so. I kept myself quiet and the only thing I said to my colleagues regarding this issue is.. The Lord knows all things and I stand before God having no fear knowing that I didn't do what I am not suppose to do. I truly gave up in such issues. I brush it off my shoulder and continue on working. If she wants to continue on, then let it be, I have no objections towards it..
Precious lessons that we all need to learn and be reminded always:-
a) NEVER, I repeat NEVER EVER EVER put trust in men because your end will be a disaster.
b) Do what is right before God and the righteous will stand!
c) The best way to fight the world is always the word of God itself.
Sorry my head is definitely not functioning well, kindly forgive me as I am too tired.
*DOze OfF*
Yes... Blur~
I just heard "Yes, Shan.. YES, SHAN...", then I go blank... All things took place too fast until I got stone for a short while in front of the computer.. I seriously couldn't believe my ears... Tears filled my eyes but I stop it from flowing. I walked off the room as though nothing happened. I choose to be patient and wait for people to approach me.. I was even more shock when I heard the truth... Only one thing came into my head...
Jeremiah 17:5-10
Thus says the LORD:
“Cursed is the man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the LORD. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, And shall not see when good comes, But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, In a salt land which is not inhabited. “ Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, And whose hope is the LORD. For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit. “ The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.
Truly man shouldn't be trusted because all are sinners! The heart is indeed the most deceitful things ever! I didn't curse though some asked to do so. I kept myself quiet and the only thing I said to my colleagues regarding this issue is.. The Lord knows all things and I stand before God having no fear knowing that I didn't do what I am not suppose to do. I truly gave up in such issues. I brush it off my shoulder and continue on working. If she wants to continue on, then let it be, I have no objections towards it..
Precious lessons that we all need to learn and be reminded always:-
a) NEVER, I repeat NEVER EVER EVER put trust in men because your end will be a disaster.
b) Do what is right before God and the righteous will stand!
c) The best way to fight the world is always the word of God itself.
Sorry my head is definitely not functioning well, kindly forgive me as I am too tired.
*DOze OfF*
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