人生就像游乐场。。。 我们人,就像小孩般,在游乐场里头玩耍。。。
有的人,因为勇敢, 所以放胆的去玩耍, 也因此觉得游乐场是一个天堂。即使在玩耍中跌倒了,他们依然站了起来, 拍拍脚, 眼里头含了一点泪但依然笑了, 继续开心的过生活。
有人,因为害怕, 所以一概都不做, 就坐在角落头看着勇敢的人开开心心的玩耍。也因此失去了生活的乐趣。。。
有一部分的人,因为很想占有所有游乐场的玩具, 所以想了许多方法来陷害别人。也因此原因,他身边谁都没有。
有的人,因为玩耍当中不小心跌倒了, 但因为跌倒过, 所以变得害怕,也不再爬起来了。。。 也因此,失去了人生。。。
你。。。。 又是怎样的一个人呢?
I think, I will be the first type person..As i think, that is the best way to life your live.
Hahahaha.. Who doesn't know it's the best way to live a life, but is everybody doing it? Well, trying to be the first person is not hard but it really challenge ppl, well, at least me... Hahaha..
Falling down so many times yet cleaning my butt and continue on playing is really a hard task.. =)
Glad that you manage to achieved it.. This is what assignment can affect me... Hahaha.. Thinking too much..
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