Sunday, April 29, 2007

Words can Heal and Words can Harm

Though it is a bit long, just spent some time reading it... It won't bring you any harm anyway.... =) Enjoy... I got this from a E-mail by James Lau

Words can Heal and Words can Harm

Words are very important. Words can heal and words can harm. Words can hurt grievously and for a long time. The tongue can bless and the tongue can curse. It is very important for us to control our words and tame our tongue when we are angry.

Many times, when we are angry we say the most atrocious things. We forget ourselves and become indifferent to what we say. We blast the other person without mercy, although we may not mean those words. But words once spoken cannot be taken back and it takes a long time to forgive and forget. We have to exercise self-control. Many couples are particularly prone to such outbursts when they get mad. But it is not an easy thing to control our tongue when we are provoked, boiled over with anger or have outburst of wrath.

It is at such time that we have to learn to hold our tongue and to remain silent. If we can’t tame our tongue, we have to take a break or go for a walk to cool off. It is much easier to control the words before the blow-up than during the explosion.

Uncontrollable words spoken in anger can have devastating effect. Angry words, that are used unthinkingly, such as “I don’t care,” ”I can’t be bothered,” “I don’t need you,” or “you can go to hell” cause pain and feelings of rejection. They give rise to insecurity. The unmeant and foolish words contain full of deadly poison and can play havoc in the mind. The unruly words get churned over for hours on end and create their worst mischief in a difficult relationship. It can take a very long time to forgive what was said. Let us learn to turn away from angry words before they leave our mouth and try to say healing words instead. Father Henri Nouwen said, “It is so important to choose our words wisely.

When we are boiling with anger and eager to throw bitter words at our opponents, it is better to remain silent. Words spoken in rage will make reconciliation very hard. Choosing life and not death, blessings and not curses, often starts by choosing to remain silent or choosing carefully the words that open the way to healing.” (“Bread for the Journey,” Sept 5)

We must also be very careful that in our anger we do not label our children with ugly names such as fat, stupid, snake, pig, moron, ‘kay-poh’(busy-body), useless, good for nothing. Such negative words can do harm to them for years to come! Henri Nouwen said, “When we say to someone, ‘You are an ugly, useless, despicable person,’ we might have ruined the possibility for a relationship with that person for life. Words can continue to do harm for many years.” (“Bread for the Journey,” Sept 5)

Indeed, we do not want to spoil our relationship with our own precious children. We must always use words to build them up not words to knock them down. Be an encourager not a critic. They have enough people criticizing them but far too few approving and affirming them. So to help our children to fulfill their highest potential we should be their greatest ENCOURAGER. Encourage. Encourage. Encourage on every occasion.

St Paul advises us not to speak harmful words but to use helpful words, “Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you.” (Ephesians 4:29 TEV) Also, don’t utter vulgar or obscene words, “Nor is it fitting for you to use language which is obscene, profane, or vulgar.” (Ephesians 5:4 TEV) And no more immoral talks, jokes or gossips “Since you are God’s people, it is not right that any matters of sexual immorality or indecency or greed should even be mentioned among you...You may be sure that no one who is immoral, indecent, or greedy (for greed is a form of idolatry) will ever receive a share in the Kingdom of Christ and of God.”(Ephesians 5:3,5 TEV)

St Paul warns us not to quarrel so we are to “Remind our people of this, and give them a solemn warning in God’s presence not to fight with words. It does no good, but only ruins the people who listen...Keep away from profane and foolish discussions, which only drive people further away from God. Such teaching is like an open sore that eats away the flesh.”(2 Timothy 2:14,16-17 TEV) He reiterates that we should “keep away from foolish and ignorant arguments; you know that they end up in quarrels.

As the Lord’s servant, you must not quarrel. You must be kind toward all, a good and patient teacher, who is gentle as you correct your opponents, for it may be that God will give them the opportunity to repent and come to know the truth. And then they will come to their senses and escape the trap of the Devil, who had caught them and made them obey his will.”(2 Timothy 2:22-26 TEV)

It is vitally important that we exercise our choice to speak helpful words wherever we are, particularly at home. As Henri Nouwen said, “Words can bring consolation, comfort, encouragement, and hope. Words can take away fear, isolation, shame, and guilt. Words can reconcile, unite, forgive, and heal. Words can bring peace and joy, inner freedom and deep gratitude. Words, in short, can carry love on their wings. A word of love can be one of the greatest acts of love.” (“Bread for the Journey,” June 22)

When we choose to speak words of care, words of encouragement, words of praise, words of love, words of admiration, positive words---they uplift and give meaning to our lives. Everyday we need to give and receive words of encouragement, hope and joy. We then create an environment that is pleasant to be in and that gives us the confidence and courage to cope with our stressful life here and now. Henri Nouwen said, “When we say to our parents, children, or friends, ‘I love you very much’ or ‘I care for you’ or ‘I think of you often’ or ‘You are my great gift,’ we choose to give life.

"It is not always easy to express our love directly in words. But whenever we do, we discover we have offered a blessing that will be long remembered. When a son can say to his father, ‘Dad, I love you,’ and when a mother can say to her daughter, ‘Child, I love you,’ a whole new blessed place can be opened up, a space where it is good to dwell. Indeed, words have the power to create life.” (“Bread for the Journey,” Sept 6)

ften, we want to hear words such as, “’I’ve been thinking of you today,’ or ‘I missed you,’ or ‘I wish you were here,’ or ‘I really love you.’ It is not always easy to say these words, but such words can deepen our bonds with one another.

"Telling someone ‘I love you’ in whatever way is always delivering good news. Nobody will respond by saying, ‘Well, I know that already, you don’t have to say it again!’ Words of love and affirmation are like bread. We need them each day, over and over. They keep us alive inside.” (“Bread for the Journey,” Feb 12) “When we say, ‘I love you,’ and say it from the heart, we can give another person new life, new hope, new courage. When we say, ‘I hate you,’ we can destroy another person. Let’s watch our words." (“Bread for the Journey,” Feb 11)

At the same time, we must be careful that we are sincere in our words because if we say, ‘I love you,’ without meaning it, then such words do more harm than good. But if these same words are spoken from the heart, they create new life. They give joy. They bring happiness. We have to make sure that our words are rooted from our heart.

To dwell in peace and joy, we have to learn from Jesus. As Henri Nouwen said, ”The words of Jesus can keep us erect and confident in the midst of the turmoil of the end-time. They can support us, encourage us, and give us life even when everything around us speaks of death. Jesus’ words are food for eternal life. They do much more than give us ideas and inspiration. They lead us into the eternal life while we are still being clothed in mortal flesh.

"When we keep close to the word of Jesus, reflecting on it, ‘chewing’ on it, eating it as food for the soul, we will enter even more deeply into the everlasting love of God.” (“Bread for the Journey,” Sept 20) So it is vitally essential for us to read the Bible, as, “Spiritual reading is food for our souls. As we slowly let the words of the Bible or a good spiritual book enter into our minds and descend into our hearts, we become different people.

The Word gradually becomes flesh in us and transforms our whole being. Thus spiritual reading is a continuing incarnation of the divine Word within us. In and through Jesus, the Christ, God became flesh long ago. In and through our reading of God’s Word and our reflection on it, God becomes flesh in us now and makes us into living Christs for today.

"Let’s keep reading God’s Word with love and great reverence.” (“Bread for the Journey,” April 16)

Since love is proved by works and not words alone, “What we live is more important than what we say, because the right way of living always leads to the right way of speaking. When we forgive our neighbours from our hearts, our hearts will speak forgiving words. When we are grateful, we will speak grateful words, and when we are hopeful and joyful, we will speak hopeful and joyful words.

"When our words come too soon and we are not yet living what we are saying, we easily give double messages. Giving double messages--one with our words and another with our actions--makes us hypocrites. May our lives give us the right words, and may our words lead us to the right lives.” (“Bread for the Journey,” June 20)

Should we, then, keep quiet and not speak at all if we cannot live by what we say? No, said Henri Nouwen, “Can we only speak when we are fully living what we are saying? If all our words had to cover all our actions, we would be doomed to permanent silence! Sometimes we are called to proclaim God’s love even when we are not yet fully able to live it. Does that mean we are hypocrites? Only when our own words no longer call us to conversion.

Nobody completely lives up to his or her own ideals and visions. But by proclaiming our ideals and visions with conviction and great humility, we may gradually grow into the truth we speak. As long as we know that our lives always speak louder that our words, we can trust that our words will remain humble. (“Bread for the Journey,” June 21)

Finally, we need to remind ourselves that all of us have a responsibility to share and pass on our unique experiences in life to our children and others by telling our stories, verbally or if possible, in writing. Henri Nouwen said “One of the arguments we often use for not writing is this: ‘I have nothing original to say. Whatever I might say someone else has already said it, and better than I will ever be able to.’ This, however, is not a good argument for not writing. Each human being is unique and original, and nobody has lived what we have lived. Furthermore, what we have lived, we have lived not just for ourselves but for others as well. Writing can be a creative and invigorating way to make our lives available to ourselves and to others.

"We have to trust that our stories deserve to be told. We may discover that the better we tell our stories the better we will want to live them.” (“Bread for the Journey,” April 29) Writing also helps us to touch base and clarify our thoughts for us to live our life more fully. ”Writing can help us to concentrate, to get in touch with the deepest stirrings of our hearts, to clarify our minds, to process confusing emotions, to reflect on our experiences, to give artistic expression to what we are living, and to store significant events in our memories. Writing can also be good for others who might read what we write.

"Quite often a difficult, painful, or frustrating day can be ‘redeemed’ by writing about it. By writing we can claim what we have lived and thus integrate it more fully into our journeys. Then writing can become lifesaving for us and sometimes for others too.” (“Bread for the Journey,” April 27)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The past vs the present

I.... Am darn tired... Looking at Toyota, Toyota and more Toyota.... I started to like Toyota... Hmm... Change my sentence.... I love Toyota more and more each day... Hahaha... Why? Because it is a Japanese brand? Because of the reliability of the cars? Or is it because I like the management and attitude of Toyota?

Suddenly, while doing my assignment, I thought of the words that one of my sister shared with me yesterday.... "Past will be the past, you can't do anything now to change or to erase what you have done in the past." A statement that I don't wish to agree with yet it is the truth. Who doesn't dream of going back to the past once again and make things right once and for all? Well, at least I do... Nevertheless if I am given that chance, I myself doubt that I will change my decision.... However, why put your hope on the past? MS 633!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! You are now in the present PRESENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A time where you can still change things and do something serious about your life!

I was greatly challenged when the sister asked me how many hours have I spent for the Lord per day... I.... Don't even dare to answer that question... True, how many hours have I spent? If I really didn't spent much time with the Lord, what then am I spending my time on? Think... Think.... Think.... You yourself know the answer.

Yes, my head is spinning again.... Welcome to my blur blur world.... I have started my assignment and it is now in slow progression... Sigh... I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate myself for being like that.... Only God knows what is in my heart.... I really wish that I can change.... I really wish to change....


GIGI SAKIT GILA T.T I can hardly eat anything.... T.T My wisdom tooth is killing me!!! HELP!!! *Rush assignment*

Thursday, April 26, 2007

The wave

2 more assignments to go... May I go through it with peace.... Starting my work now... Stress is the only word I can think off.

I was reading one of my close friend's blog and it hit on me.... Nothing hurt more than thinking of that story of mine.... I... Being the last person to have the opportunity to look at the beautiful sky... The sky which is now facing thunder storm and the rain will never stop unless God stop it... I... Can never step on the land again and tell others regarding the beauty of the sky anymore... I... Do not know when will God allow me to see the clear blue sky once again but I know, He will stop the rain... I read something interesting in a slides that Da send me... It's written there, we seldom think of what we have but always think of what we miss. Yes, true that in my life, I miss out a lot of things... I regretted for my childhood behaviour.... The things that I deserved to have yet I let go of it... Mourn over it? Pointless... Too many things in life that I realised that I can do something about it yet I chose not to??

When will the rain abate then? That is the only question that bug me a lot... I don't know... I seriously don't know when will it subside... I only know that God will deal with the situation that I am facing now... Many things became ambiguous after I decided to leave... Not even a single second, I would wish to go back and have a look at the place... Because I know... I will be tempted to go back. Though there are many sweet, bitter and sour memories there, yet I choose to let go of every single thing and have a brand new life. I know it will be hard. I never deny that I am going on a hard path, but I know, at the end of the day, I will meet with Him.

The strong desire in me is not helping me in anyway from being a friend to the world. Friend of the world or God? Choose now and let it be once and for all.. Don't repeat the mistake (or should I said error?) that the Isreal did in the OT... Please... Please 633!!!!! Stand firm and fight the world, fight yourself! God is always there with you and no one else can ever stop you if God is with you... May the peace of God be with all of us...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


AT LAST!!!! TUESDAY IS HERE TO WELCOME ME!!!! Monday is history!!!! Hallelujah!!!! Yes, I have a presentation and test on Monday... As I said... I don't expect good grades coming out from this semester, you should know how I did in my test *sigh* Yes, it is quite bad.... I think I lost almost 25-30 marks upon 50 in that paper.... BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T.T

How's my presentation? Worse... Hahaha... I think the lecturer doesn't like the system at all... He didn't ask much questions and this really worried me a lot.... If my system is good and he doesn't ask any question, then I will be happy... BUT.... He has the impression of "waste my time" while listening to our presentation.... He still doesn't really support that our system is interactive.... Haih... I rest my case... At least I have give my best in doing it... Nobody to blame but myself...

I have finish my part for MAD and the submission is on Wednesday... Wee~ Just need to compile the documentation and we are done! Compiling it tomorrow~ Yeah! I can start off with my another 2 assignments! I got my dockets today... Sigh... That means... FINAL EXAM is around the corner... May I go through it!!!!! TIRED!!!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Prayer, prayer and more prayer!

I am having my test tomorrow and the best part??? Remember in my previous post I wrote that I left my books in the library?? That is one of the text book that I need for the test.... "So what, you still got slides and notes to refer what...." NO!!!! I lost my NOTES as well >.<" STRESS!!!!

Pray much for me... Those who knows what is happening in my life.... Please keep me in intense prayer... I really need strength to go through this wave... Thanks to all...

Lost of words in describing Friday Part 2

I was praying hard while I am driving as I was late for the gathering in Taman Desa... I was obviously speeding on the road but still under the speed limit though, no worries... =) This is my very first time in attenting the youth fellowship and it is in TAMAN DESA!!!! To people who know me, hehehe.... TAMAN DESA!!!!! =D

At last..... I arrived.... My stomach is aching like mad and I really need water! T.T The Youth Fellowship was ending soon when I arrived =..=" Nevertheless, I manage to have tonnes of funs there! Hehehe... We took some video of some interesting incident that took place after the youth fellowship where we have a light supper over there.... What actually happened?? Hahaha... Look at the video yourself... I actually cought a long video on it but thanks to Ern who close the hp cover... The video is not save =..=" This is the best I can give to the readers.... There's 3 part... So... Enjoy... Short.... Thanks to SOMEONE who is lazy to follow the action.... Hahaha...

"Why you like KM koko??" "Because he's FUNNY!!!"

*Story: An adult vs 3 years old kid

Lost of words in describing Friday Part 1

I.... Actually lost of words in describing my week... I really am amaze on how I go through all those events in my life.... Writing it out in the blog is as though reminding me of all those scary experience that I went through. Only one word to the readers. Don't procrastinate your work. NEVER!!!! I am arranging my life now.... I am finishing my MAD assignment before Tuesday so that I can start off with my "beloved lecturer" assignment.... I don't wish to push it any further anymore... I have enough of all those scary experience of handing in the assignment.

Friday... I woke up around 5 something and after washing up myself, I did my devotion. Later on, I went downstair for assignment. Thinking that I have around 1 hours plus to write my assignment is actually so wrong... Why? I don't know whether most of you know about the problem with my PC. Lately, my PC is a bit nuts.... Sometimes, it hangs and there goes... You need to restart the PC again and wait for it to load... The best part?? It doesn't auto-save for you! Moment like this (rushing assignment), PC crash??? It is really testing my patient in doing my work. However, I manage to calm myself down and went to college instead of wasting my time at home. Can you imagine, almost every 5 minutes I need to restart my computer... =..="

After all my classes, I went down for lunch. I ate a bowl of mee soup and I can't even finish the mee as I don't have the appetite to eat though I was hungry then. However, I force myself to eat as I know I need the energy to do my work and to think.. I went to library for my assignment while waiting for CF to start. I never regret walking in the room and listen to God's word... I never... I was thankful instead for the words... Topic of the day "God's will".... and we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28).... I got to realise that this verse is applicable only to Christian and not to all!

It's 3pm after CF and quickly I went to the library and continue on my war. My group mates and I fight together until it is 615pm and I asked everything to be stop... I took my thumbdrive and went to the library printer and start to print... Great news?? The printer doesn't seems to function properly... It only manage to print out almost half of the assignment =..=" It is almost 645pm... I quickyly make my way to the lab and asked to print out the assignment. The lab is pack! I thank God that the TA (Technical Assistant) are kind to me and allowed me to print the thing fast! I went in there later than my friends but I manage to got out earlier than my friends! I rush down to the binding shop with my CSFF form and it is packed there as well >.<" I at last manage to get it bind and I told the lady I will come back and pay later... I quickly rush to the office and thank God I manage to hand in the assignment... Phew.....

I totally let go of my burden after handing in the assignment... I later fetch all my friends home while I rush to Taman Desa.... While fetching them back, I realise I lost my file, pencil box and library books! I went back to college as I remember I left my file and pencil box outside the binding shop. As for my library books, I need to wait until Monday to confirm on it. I lost my head on that day so don't ask me why am I so careless. I was having gastric and I forgot to bring my water bottle.... PAIN!!!! Don't care... Go Taman Desa!!!!!!! What I did there??? Read the next post...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The mee...

I am currently trying very hard to concentrate in my assignment.. I have tonnes of things burdening my heart... I am thinking too much... Brain somehow is more critical than normal. The weather out there is not helping at all. It was so hot in the afternoon and I even on the air conditioner and ate an ice cream. However, it is still so hot!!!!! Until 3 something... It rained for 5 minute, then the sun came out again and the weather change again from time to time. I was facing difficulties in writing my assignment as I am super dizzy and headache. I gave up... I went up and have a hot bath... Ahhhh... Feeling better now...

I went to the kitchen to get a drink and suddenly my stomach craving for Maggie mee. Don't ask me why, I don't know as well. I just went through the cupboard and I saw a maggie cup, Tom Yam... Yam... I was a bit reluctant though... Because I know... I wouldn't finish it as I don't raelly like to eat instant noodles. I told myself... It's 4 something now, if I were to eat now, can I take my dinner at 7pm? Hmm.... A lot of things came into consideration... I... Suddenly stop myself... HEY!!! IT'S JUST A CUP OF INSTANT NOODLE and you are wasting your time thinking so long on whether to eat it or not??? NUTS!!! I ate it anyway... Hahaha... Now, after eating it... I regret.... I am facing stomach upset now as it's too sicy for my stomach to handle. =..="

However, while eating the mee cup, it reminds me of Camaron Highland.. Why? Because I ate Tom Yam mee cup there as well! If not mistaken, I bought a Korean mee cup there... It is super spicy and my friend ended up eating that for me.. Hahaha... I still remember we bought Kampai (if I remember correctly the name of the drink) there as well.. Guess what.... I kind of miss the taste of that drink now! It's so nice! Recomended by my friend while I went shopping with him. I forgot to bring back the bottle =..=" I LEFT IT IN THE HOTEL TOILET!!!! T.T Stupid... But it was a fun trip... So miss the air there... So miss the moment there...

OK... I think my head is warm up after eating the mee... In fact, I got something extra, which is stomach ache =..=" Gambateh!!!


人生就像游乐场。。。 我们人,就像小孩般,在游乐场里头玩耍。。。
有的人,因为勇敢, 所以放胆的去玩耍, 也因此觉得游乐场是一个天堂。即使在玩耍中跌倒了,他们依然站了起来, 拍拍脚, 眼里头含了一点泪但依然笑了, 继续开心的过生活。
有人,因为害怕, 所以一概都不做, 就坐在角落头看着勇敢的人开开心心的玩耍。也因此失去了生活的乐趣。。。
有一部分的人,因为很想占有所有游乐场的玩具, 所以想了许多方法来陷害别人。也因此原因,他身边谁都没有。
有的人,因为玩耍当中不小心跌倒了, 但因为跌倒过, 所以变得害怕,也不再爬起来了。。。 也因此,失去了人生。。。
你。。。。 又是怎样的一个人呢?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Psalm 53

Psalm 53

For the director of music. According to mahalath. A maskil of David.
1 The fool says in his heart,
"There is no God."
They are corrupt, and their ways are vile;
there is no one who does good.

2 God looks down from heaven
on the sons of men
to see if there are any who understand,
any who seek God.

3 Everyone has turned away,
they have together become corrupt;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.

4 Will the evildoers never learn—
those who devour my people as men eat bread
and who do not call on God?

5 There they were, overwhelmed with dread,
where there was nothing to dread.
God scattered the bones of those who attacked you;
you put them to shame, for God despised them.

6 Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion!
When God restores the fortunes of his people,
let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad!

This psalm is almost a repeat of Psalm 14, except for verse 5. Spurgeon comments, 'Holy writ never repeat itself needlessly, there is a good cayse for a second copy of this psalm; let us read it with more profound attention than before. If our age has advanced from 14 to 53, we shall find the doctrine of this psalm more evident than in our youth'.

We must never allow ourselves to be intimidated by atheists who despise us and scoff at the message of the gospel. They are fools! - The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God. (1)". The Hebrew word for "fool" ("nabal - compare with 1 Samuel 25:25) implies stubbornness of heart rather than lack of intelligence. Notice that the words "there is" are in italics in your bible. This means that they are not in the Hebrew in the original manuscript.

The fool has said in his heart, "No God." - He refuses to acknowledge God. Anyone who professes himseld to be an atheist is a fool! It is possible to pay lip-service to God's existence, but to live as if he didn't exist (practical astheism). That is also folly! If you ever enter discussion with an atheist, you will generally find that his atheistic beliefs, however follish (eg. The theory of evolution). The apostle Paul said of such people, Their follish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools (Romans 1:21-22).

Why is the world in such a mess? Surely it is because most people are athists or live like atheists (as if God didn't exist) and atheism breeds corruption and wickedness (1-4). God looks down from heaven and sees the corruption in the world. Everyone has sinned (2-3; compare Romans 3:10-12). If sinners call on God, they have no need to fear, but will find mercy (4-5). The Lord is for us and will destroy our enemies (5). Let us be encouraged, but never smug. The wickedness of the people drove David to pray for their salvation (6). In these evil days, let us not despair, but get down to urgent prayer!

[Nelson, Thomas 1982, Pilgrim Bible Notes, Thomas Nelson Inc, Nashville.]

The words...

A broken glass, can it be put back into one piece? Even it can be done, can one not tell that the glass is broken? Things that is done, is history... Pointless for me crying over the spilt milk.... Think out of the box! Go to the shop and buy a brand new milk! Never limit yourself in the box... It's not meant to be that way... It's never God's intention... The door has been open to you, why didn't you come out from the cage of your's?

God is always good to me.. He gaves hope in my life... A hope that I never wish to let go.... His present is always real and close to me... Regardless of how the world despite me, I know God is the only person that will stay close to me. I am never lonely in this world because I know He is there with me... Though I can't see him physically but by faith, I truly believe that He is there with me... I know He is there... However, am I like the Isreal who doesn't know how to appreciate God's word?

In my current life, I have one thinking... A thinking that is so hard to implement in life... OBEDIENCE.... Today, His words strike me once again.... Yes, I will be looking in front, looking above, looking at the sky... Not wishing to look at the below fire, not wishing to look at the ugliness of the world... A person who live in the world will be an enermy to God... I... Really wish that I can seperate myself clearly from the world... No, sorry, I won't share what is the words that speaks to me as it's too personal... Only God and I know what is going on in my life... I will obey the words... I will try my best to obey... I know I can do it by God's strength...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

May God be with us...

The pain is really unbearable... When I least expect it... It took place... I didn't prepare myself in anyway for this type of situation because I was busy doing my assignments... Not even a single thought went through me... I really never expect it to take place again. It's coming back... Yes.... I know... I know.... As God always remind me to be watchful of everything, I should really be...

I am not asking anything from you.... Not even a single virus from you to be transfer to me.... I know it well on where I stand and what I am not able to do nor achieve. I know.... I know it since the beginning... Sorry if I were to hurt you in anyway... That is never my intention in anyway and you should know that better. If this is what God intended it to be, then may it take place according to God's wills. If this is what God have in mind, may He grant me the strength to go through it.. Faith, strength and healing are the things that I need the most now.. May both of us rest in peace....

Monday, April 16, 2007

The end of CNI assignment!

Yes, at last CNI (networking) is handed in... Phew... 1 down 4 more to go! This coming Friday, there is another submission, which is HCI. Madness! How come all the due date is so near to each other =..=" Yes, not APIIT fault at all but 33's fault..
"Who ask to procrastinate? Who ask to do last min? Nobody else but you yourself."
"Eh..... *moving the index finger from left to right, closing eyes a little, shaking head.* This is called "The Ohmmm of last minute work!!!"

"Uhhmmmm some more la... Later the mark also will be very "Uhhmmmmmmmmm" untill you are there bugging your lecturer for extra marks!"

Familiar conversation??? Hahaha.. I think, it is quite common among my friends... The uhhmmmm of last minute work... I will not deny that last minute work doesn't guarantee quality work... Hahaha... So why am I still doing things last minute? Emmmmm.... *Finding an answer from my head* I.... Can't explain but I can sum up all the long-winded answer into one word.... INTRODUCING................ LAZINESS!!!!! *Applause* DUH... What else?? =..=" Really need to change!!!! T.T HELP!!!! Yes, I do not expect high mark from any subject in this semester as all my works are last minute. Sigh...
*The story of handling in CNI assignment*
I slept around 5 something in the morning and woke up at 7 plus... Yes, basically I only slept 1 hour plus. Best part? When I went into my room, I lay down on my bed... I find it difficult to sleep as I kept on hearing a very very very soft melody, it is the tune of "It's a small world after all". It really irritated me a lot! I don't know where it came form but I have been listening to it almost every morning for the past few days. At first I thought it was my neightbour alarm clock... However, the tone when on for few minutes! Sometimes even hours! =..=" It doesn't end there.... The mosque nearby my house as usual on their speakers calling the muslim for prayer... T.T My precious sleep..........
The whole night, I was busy compiling the networking assignment and do some final touch up. I gave up around 5 something as I really need my beauty sleep... I put around 10 alarms just to make sure I am awake??? Guess what... I woke up late... Nah... I still manage to wake up for morning class =) In addition, I am not late for it! Hehehe... Stil refining the assignment after I had lunch with Linda. We didn't chat long this time as our main focus are CNI... Hahaa.. Siao ki liao *Hokkien: nuts alraedy*~

At last, we decided not to refine it any further but just go to Epson lab and print out the assignment... It is quite easy in printing until I open my Gannt Chart... =..=" Regardless how I edit it, it can't be print in two page... I used Visio to do the Gantt Chart.. -__-" Stupidity..... I at last print screen the whole thing and used Paint to print it out. Editing the pictures really took us a long time! Madness.... AH... FINISH PRINTING!!!! CSFF le??? Hoho...*Gather group memebers* "Tulis eh"... After the last class, we handed in the assignment.. Thank God that the lecturer have mercy on us as he ended the class 30min earlier... YEAH!!!! GO back SLEEP!!!
I went to the car park and wanted to go back home... -__-" Cars all around me... My car was blocked.... Best part? It really is a challenge for me to reverse my car.. How come? Look at the picture below... I called the person to remove his car and while waiting, I was eating the potato chips that I bought from college to keep me awake while driving... I was praying hard that my baby can come out safely from the "lion dean"... *the guy came and remove his car and I slowly removing my car* Madness! In moment like this... I was blocked and challenge to get out from there -__-" LACK OF SLEEP AH!!!! PHD AH!!!! (Permenant head damage)

My car is as though being blocked by two cars. However, looking at the situation before calling the person to remove his car, I realised that I can actually come out by just calling only one person, IF my driving skills is quite good and I can concentrate in coming out =P I can't really portrait the situation well with this diagram though... My car is the white colour car. While those red cars are others' car. Yes, I only called one person.. Hahaha.. Why is it so difficult to come out? Because the car on my right parked quite near to me and in order for me to come out, I will need to shift my car to the left (I asked a to remove his car). Thanks to a guy over there that volunteer himself to help me come out from the place. =) I came out safely from the place! Wee!!! Thank God for that! =)

I reached home 10 minutes later and........ I fall straight on the bed..... Hahahah... Too tired..... Sigh... To readers out there, look at this experience of mine, do you wish to go through it? No??? Then do your work earlier! Don't do last minute! T.T I am suffering like mad now! OK! Need to rush assignment again... Sigh...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

How damaging can CNI can be?

Have you ever wonder what networking (computing) can do to your life? For instant, let's take my networking lecturer as a example... He was lecturing and wanted to give some real life example in order to help us to see a clearer picture... Do you know what example he gave? He used one of the movies to give example! *Can't remember the name of the movie but as far as I know that movie is not related to networking at all!* *Edited: Amy just remind me about the movie name... It's Matrix, thanks for information!* *=..=" Linda corrected me again... It is the "Jurassic Park" not "MATRIX"* *NO MORE EDITNG YA!!!* This is how sick networking can be... A movie... Meant for entertainment yet my lecturer was not focusing on the entertainment part but thinking of how networking can be link to that show.. =..=" That is how lifeless a person from APIIT can become!
What effect does it have in me? Hahaha... I forgot my purse while going out! =..=" I went to church today without my purse! Same goes to Mike! Hhahaha... Same class mah... Hahahah... Studying networking together... So got the "virus" together hahahaha... However, I think the virus is taking over Mike slowly... Why? I was doing my assignment and at the same time, I was chatting with him as need to discuss on the assignment stuff.. He..... I think... Mad already.. Wish to know what happened? Continue reading then...
*Story started when I told Mike that I just blog as my head was too heavy and I was afraid that my blog readers will be gone as I too long didn't update my blog.*
M: You still got 1 loyal one.. no worries.. *Evil laugh type of emoticons is included here*
33: God!!! *Smile*
M: that one no need to visit your blog la, straight access your brain database... *Smile emoticons included* he uses the super Optic cables which are much faster than the T3 lines, OC-3 i think.. then the link is never down.. always up... so he can easilly remove and retrieve memory information from your harddisk.. plus no need firewall and antivirues one... (networking madness)
*Note for reader, this is one of the leased line information, you can get more information through*
33: =..=" Siao (crazy in Hokkien). I blog you then you know
M: OI OI OI Don't want! *memang siao* sum more i belum explain about the hacker(satan) yet
33: *Trying to make him speak so that I can blog, hahaha* Hahaha.. Try, since you said no firewall, how to solve it? I challenge u!!!
M: tak nak tak nak, *scared you blog later* EEEEE Asam really help *change topic*
33: hahahah c c c know you cant solve it... RESULT MIKE FAIL! Hahaha
M: Answer simple mah... you ask yourself who is God,,, then you got the answer edi
33: =..=" but in networking wise u cant explain mah. No firewall, no nth...
M: get a medium to act as the firewall..
*Note: Just now said no firewall now use firewall pula.. CHEH!!*
M: answer simple leh.. in real networking, you dun need a firewall for pc which to not connect to the internet ma...
33: *Speechless..... =..=" *Mike win*
*Story ends*
Ok.. My point is... .*Change topic* Hahaha... Ok... This is how damaging networking is to our life!!!! Moral of the story? DON'T LEARNT NETWORKING!!! Hhahah... Joking... Actually networking is quite fun to learn... As long as there's somebody there to lead me.. I don't mind getting involve in networking! FUN! Hahahah..

Happy Sabbath day~

Stress!!!!!!!!!! Madness stress... So miss my blog... I was rushing assignment this few days... (Still rushing =..=") Few days of sleepless nights.... Hmmm... Can't raelly say sleepless as I do rest when I am too tired.... However, my brain is too active... It can't stop spinning and thinking... Can you imagine? I even dreamt myself becoming a network consultant =.=" WORST NIGHTMARE EVER! Hahaha... Yes, I am rushing networking assignment and it is due on Monday...
Lesson learnt? NEVER PROCASTINATE WORK!!!!! No, last minute work is really bad! TOO BAD! I really need to change.. Can't afford to play in Level 2. Gila madness stress! I really hope I can go through this stage... STRENGTH! I need it! Knowledge and wisdom to have good time management.... Sigh....
Milo now is my mate *Milo is my "coffee", I am stopping myself from drinking coffee as it's not good fo healthy. Why Milo? Can it really help? It's all in your mind, if you think it can work, it will work =P "Milo sihat and kuat" mah... Hahaha*.... Doggie and bear bear accompanying me throughout the night.... A big thanks to my sister in law for borrowing me her laptop during this period of time... Why I need a laptop? Because my beloved computer CRASH... Hahaha.. Yes, moment like this, it crash... Lesson learnt? Never trust your computer... Always do your backup. Yes, it seems fine today but you won't know what will happen the next day. It won't hurt to do more backup rather than going through all those endless night just to redo all your work! Not worth the price at all.
I am very happy today.. Why? Because I left compiling, conclusion and reference undone. I am trying my very best to wrap up all those things and make the final touch up and I am done! I was actually weak today as lack of sleep but I thank God for allowing me to concentrate in church today! On top of that, I got a burger from the church! Aunty Goody was so kind to allow me to take it back as I can't attend night service! SO SO SO HAPPY! So miss Taman Desa burger... Sigh.. A big thanks to those who are cooking and preparing the burgers! Your burger is super nice =) A great strength to me! =)
I was caught a few time by ML on "spying" the burger.... Hahaha... Eh... ML.... SERIOUSLY VERY NICE LE!!! Hahaha.. Bluek... And to her beloved husband... THanks for cooking the burger... I think I got the burger that you cooked as it looks like it went through some "fire trainings"... Hahha... *Remind me of your "stun" Hahaha... I should take the video from KM and post it in YouTube! Hahaha...*
I really am happy that God is still so faithful to me... Though I am weak, but I know it well that I am strong because God is with me! =)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Spyware Extortion

I was doing my assignment and I found this... Interesting story.. I wasn't aware of this issue until I saw this video clip. Human can really be evil... Just because of money, they do things like this??? Create virus just because of money? Isn't that stupidity? You have the knowledge to create a virus yet you can't use that knowledge to benefit the country? Why? I really don't understand.. Why do things that hurt others? Many should realise that by doing this, you not only hurt others but hurting yourself as well! That virus might attack you one day... Isn't that scary? Have a look on the video...

He will not forsake nor leave

It's 12am now... The incident is still bothering me... I really wish to stop and just have some time to think and then only carry out my action... The sms strike me a lot... I was not taking things seriously as how I should until you talked to me.. Though it is a short conversation but I really benefited it... It help me to realise how faithless I am... It help me to realise how restless my soul is...

Taking too many things into account lead me to confusion... Eventually, frustration... I started to realise I am not acting like how I ought to act. The anger in me slowly crept in my life. I really am a failure.... How many times does God need to remind me until I really learn my lesson WELL? How many times Romans 8:28 came into my head? Don't you realise that regardless of what is happening in your life, it is God's will to take place? Don't you trust in the Lord that all His plan is to prosper and not to harm us in anyway? Though things might not be going your way but that doesn't in anyway mean that it is not going God's way! Can an ant understand human's thinking? Definitely NO! Same concept applied here.. We can never understand God's thinking as He is almighty and powerful! He is the creator of the world!

I... Wish to get back my life... A life that is healthy... A life that is striking for perfection. I can never please everybody in life... If people were to condemn me, I can't do anything but to hang on... I only wish that God will bless me knowledge and wisdom to live my life... To obtain a good life testimonial. Nobody claim that it is easy but God promise us eternal life...

Have faith 633, regardless how people think about you, always bear in mind that God is the ultimate judge. Always remember that God is always with you. Never shall He forsake you, never shall He leave you...

Monday, April 9, 2007

computer idiot + networking = ?

Does anyone know the answer for 1 + 1??
What??? I heard somebody said 2... I think most of you will be thinking what on earth is this girl trying to ask? So simple question yet she is asking so publicly?? Hahhaha... Chill... I haven finish my story mah...

Yes, theoretically it is 2... Don't tell me it is 3 *based on computing calculation* I will not listen *closing my ears* Why? I heard it is super confusing... Hahahah... If my head got some logic in it, I will take up the challenge and learn it... Bluek...

Ok... Now... Can anybody tell me what is the answer for "a computer idiot" + networking? Hahahah... Yes? No? Don't know? Seems to know the answer yet not confident with it?? Ok.. I will tell you the answer.... The answer is.... An idiot which will end up suffering while studying networking @.@ For instant, 33!!!!!!!! The best example that I can come out with... No doubt on that... 100% accuracy... =..="

Can anyone just kill me?? T.T I am super super lost now... What is BISDN??? What is leased line? What is fiber optic? What is fiber channel technology? What is SAN? What is SANbox? What is Gigabit Ethernet switch? Can that swtich connect you to WAN? What is NETWORKING??? IDIOT ME!!!! I am darn confuse! What is this??? SO TECHICAL!!!! APIIT is basically digging my grave! T.T I need to finish my assignment before Tuesday (which is tomorrow) yet I have no idea at all what I am writing! IDIOT!!!!!! I hate networking!!!! What is this? What is that? How come people like to make other people suffer?? T.T Don't like them la~

*Resume work* Ok la... Just want to express only.. I can't write anymore.. hahaha... Bluek... Pray much for me... Dying soon.. 5 assignments on hand and all the due date are so darn near to each other! Good news? I got my HCI presentation on my HCI test day! =..=" Can anything else be bad??? WHAT ELSE?? =..=" I can't even go for my facial!!!! My face.... FULL OF PIMPLES!!! T.T

Saturday, April 7, 2007

The serial murderer returns....

Who??? Who else.... BUT MIKE???? What is his latest murderer case?? =..=" Too many... Which one you refering to? Hahahaha.... Ok... Let the "story" begins..... *The continuation of "Anti-Micheal campaign"*

One day, Mike is SO GENEROUS and decided to buy my doggie a box of Rocky.
My doggie went near it and wanted to have a closer look whether the Rocky can be eaten or not.
*sense something unusual* My doggie bit the box and wanted to destroy it... Why? Because he realise that the box is actually EMPTY! Mike is not generous as we think he is after all!

However, Mike asked my doggie to look inside the box to make sure that there is something inside.
*Seaching the box* Suddenly my doggie realised that Mike is playing a prank on him! Mike actually wanted to stuck his head on the box! He was laughing all the way when he got to know that my doggie's head is stuck there! To doggie's suprise, inside the box, it is full of rubbish!!! T.T So bad.....

Enjoy the story? Hoho... There's more to come... Lazy to upload all those pictures... hahaha... To be continue.....

Nothing better to do... >.<

=..=" I am currently waiting for the attachment to be done... I am sending the updated assignment to my group mates... It's 230am now... Madness tired... SO LONG!!!! Ok, since I have nothing to do now... Let me show you some pictures.... Hahaha...

Linda's doggie... Hahaha.. I snap this during break time..
Want to see my doggie?? Hehehe...

I am still thinking whether to post more pictures here... hahah.. Currently my blog is flooded with pictures! Hahaha....

Otters holding hands... .

I was having my dinner while watching the news today... It is reported that there is a video in YouTube that is currently being viewed regularly.... Guess what is the tittle of the video! It is called "Otters holding hand". Yes, being a typical "38" lady like me, I went to YouTube and have a look on the interesting video... IT IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They looked like inseparable.... Hahahaa.. I got a shock though... Look at the number of views... =..="
How can I not put the video in my blog!!! Enjoy...

Friday, April 6, 2007

The Bloody day in APIIT

I… *Trembling* was shock and scare… Never in my life will I wish to go through that moment anymore… Never! I am really scare! Very very scare… I was so afraid because… Something happened in my college! It is so so so scary!!!! I can see blood everywhere when I step into that place… The cold and isolated place….

Do you really wish to know what is in there? Do you really really wish to know what is going on in my college? You sure? Confirm? Affirmative? Ok… But keep this to you and me ok? If outsider came to know about this news I don’t think they will come to study in APIIT anymore!!

There are………………… There are…………….. There are…………. “VAMPIRES” IN MY COLLEGE!!!!!!!! Yes, “VAMPIRES”!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, the “vampires” that drinks your blood just to keep them alive…. Scary huh?? Yes, I realized that as well… If not, I would tell you to keep this between you and me! The vampires come in from time to time… Maybe around 3-4 months… This group of vampires even has a unique name for themselves! That is how happening they are! What is their name?? Is that question running through your mind? The name…. The name itself…. The name itself is already very scary…………. They named themselves as…. “National Blood Transfusion Service”…..

Hahahah… Yes, there’s a blood donation going on in APIIT… Hey, they are taking blood from the students! Hahaha… Don’t they look like “vampire” to you? Well, at least it looks like one to me *Bluek* Well, normally, event like this, I will just “turn aside” and walk off… Why? HELLO… First… I am scare of needle… Second, I was rejected TWICE!!!! Not ONCE but TWICE due to low blood pressure… I… Surrender! Don’t want to go anymore d(>.<)b

During networking class, Amy was so excited *as usual asking us to join the blood donation*. The blood donation took place in exam hall, which is just a few doors besides our class! We manage to get Mike to join the meaningful event~ *Never play 205 with him… No result! Cis…* Well, looking at his first impression towards blood donation… He looks kind of tense and scare? Hahaha.. Judge youself then…

Mike’s looks before the donation… I think he is trying his level best to smile to the camera? Hahaha…

Mike and Amy signing the “wedding covenant”

Test 1…. Checking on your blood type and weight. Amy’s hand?? Hoho… BLOOD!!!! It is a B+? O? B-? Hohoho… I don’t know how to look at the reaction of the blood with the chemical.. I asked the person in charge how to read it, but I think she doesn’t really like to talk to me as I asked too much? Hehehe.. Big big apologies…

Test 2, Measuring your blood pressure….. Did Mike pass the test like Amy? Amy was at Test 3 while Mike was stuck in test 2… Hahah…

Yes…. Mike was asked to sit around for awhile as his blood pressure is too high… He blamed me as I asked to walked to forth floor this morning… =..=” Hello Mike… That is don’t know how many hours AGO!!! Cis…

The best part…. Amy was qualified to donate blood! I… As 38 as usual… Took a video on the process….

While waiting for her blood to fill up the bag.. I was talking to Linda, Fin and Mike… I think Fin was too bored and decided to make some monkey face…. Hahaha.. He told me he could make a monkey face! It really looks like a monkey though =..=”

Mike was once again asked to go through the test 2… The result??? Hahahaha.. REJECTED!!! Hahhaa… Baka… I was rejected because of low blood pressure but he went to another extreme from me.. Hahaha… He was so happy then.. Hahaha.. As for Amy?? She got a bit dizzy and she suddenly went pale when she was in class! It really scare me for a moment! I offered her to bring her back but she claimed that she was alright but ended up going back and rest after that.. So better make sure that you take sufficient foods, have enough sleep and you are not having menstrual *only applicable for girls*. Be very careful with small small things like this….

Ok.. That is all for the bloody event in the dull dull APIIT…. A big respect to those who donated their precious blood to help out the blood bank! =)

*To Amy*

Hey, I didn’t say a lie in anyway ok… I told you I didn’t post on that day but I didn’t say I will not post in another day wo… *Bluek* Hahahaha…

Monday, April 2, 2007

The feather and keychain that came from a far far land...

HOHOHO!!! Thanks Vincent!!!! Hehehe... I was so so so so stress out yesterday (Was doing my assignment till 1 in the morning *Yawn*) and Vincent suddenly send me this picture!!!!! SO HAPPY!!! +) Thanks! Hehehe... My birthday present from him! =D Nice or not?? Hehehe.... Thanks! Hahaha... Didn't know you captured a picture of that before you send it to me! =)

Sunday, April 1, 2007

*Lost of word on the title*

Yes, indeed a very long Psalm... I was just flipping through the bible and I saw that... While reading through the words, I somehow felt the feeling of David? Though I do not know what exactly is in his mind but I somehow felt that I am in his shoe.... I.... Am currently in a very big storm... Well, it is actually not that bad when I started to look at the positve side of the situation... =)

I woke up late for church today due to late night on Saturday... I was doing my assignment till late at night with my group mate... Madness... I slept around 1 something, near to 2am in the morning! The slow internet speed at my group mate side worsen the situation... Stress out like mad when the file transfer kept on showing "failed" or the transfer bar is moving darn slow! DARN SLOW!!!! It is as though both of us are using dial up!

Yes, I am currently still doing my assignment.. My hand are aching like mad as too much of typing and my eyes are going blur... Looking at the monitor for hours really is straining my eyes untill the maximum limit... Hahaha...

Aside from study, I am currently facing some relationship problems... Well, actually, I don't know why but somehow I know the road in front of me regarding this issue will be a tough road... Things are turning from bad to worse and I am expecting the worst out of it... Until the extend of losing a person or two in my world? Yes, I am actually expecting that.... Why? Don't ask.. Only those who know what is going on will understand what I am writing here... I really rest my case on those "stories" I heard... So many contradicting area and so many finger pointing at me... If I am wrong or at fault, then may the Lord punish me! I am willing to be punish IF I am at wrong! Don't even tell me a "statement" and then contradict it the next minute! As I said, it is your life, you choose which path you wish to take... The consequences of your choice will need to be bear by yourself...

To one of the person in particular, don't worry... Things will be fine after this, you should know why as I have told you the reason on that day... You will not be involve in any matter any more unless someone wish to relate you in the situation. Look back at your messages and tell me that all those are from your heart... I am quite shock when I received those type of messages from you... Didn't you realise that you are trying to put the blame on me based on past issues and trying to move my attention away from your contradicting statement? Maybe you didn't meant that but I felt it that way. That's why I don't even wish to reply you after that... "I NEVER said that" Such a nice word... Is that true? Is that the truth? You know it better than me... I am too lazy to even argue on that matter..

Irony part? Both of you are telling me the same statement! Is that a joke to me or what?

In one simple day, I heard many type of stories... Can you imagine? Two simple incidents yet so many version of stories? Which to believe? I believe only on God... I have clarify things with each and everyone of you on that day itself, I will take every single word as the truth... Even though my heart is telling me that is not, I will still take it as how those incidents took place... Why? Becuase, at the end of the story, each and everyone of us will need to face God. You then explain yourself to Him... I am not interested in knowing anything regarding both of you anymore.. Trust me.. I am really not interested! Fed up in listening to so many version of story whereas only one incident happened.... That proved to me that somebody must be lying. Who is that person? Only God knows it well..

Let His will be done in my life, I know all this things happened for a reason and all this things are allowed by God... May I have the strength to endure all those...

And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; And patience, experience; and experience, hope: And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. (Romans 5:3-5)

May the peace of the Lord be with you...

Psalm 69

Psalm 69

David complains of his affliction

To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, A Psalm of David.

1 Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.
2 I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me.

3 I am weary of my crying: my throat is dried: mine eyes fail while I wait for my God.
4 They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of mine head: they that would destroy me, being mine enemies wrongfully, are mighty: then I restored that which I took not away.

5 O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from thee.
6 Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake, O God of Israel.
7 Because for thy sake I have borne reproach; shame hath covered my face.
8 I am become a stranger unto my brethren, and an alien unto my mother's children.
9 For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.

10 When I wept, and chastened my soul with fasting, that was to my reproach.
11 I made sackcloth also my garment; and I became a proverb to them.
12 They that sit in the gate speak against me; and I was the song of the drunkards.

He prays for deliverance

13 But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.
14 Deliver me out of the mire, and let me not sink: let me be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep waters.

15 Let not the waterflood overflow me, neither let the deep swallow me up, and let not the pit shut her mouth upon me.

16 Hear me, O LORD; for thy lovingkindness is good: turn unto me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.

17 And hide not thy face from thy servant; for I am in trouble: hear me speedily.
18 Draw nigh unto my soul, and redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies.
19 Thou hast known my reproach, and my shame, and my dishonour: mine adversaries are all before thee.

20 Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none.
21 They gave me also gall for my meat; and in my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.

He delivers his enemies to destruction

22 Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap.

23 Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake.
24 Pour out thine indignation upon them, and let thy wrathful anger take hold of them.
25 Let their habitation be desolate; and let none dwell in their tents.
26 For they persecute him whom thou hast smitten; and they talk to the grief of those whom thou hast wounded.

27 Add iniquity unto their iniquity: and let them not come into thy righteousness.
28 Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be written with the righteous.
29 But I am poor and sorrowful: let thy salvation, O God, set me up on high.

He praises God with thanksgiving

30 I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
31 This also shall please the LORD better than an ox or bullock that hath horns and hoofs.
32 The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God.
33 For the LORD heareth the poor, and despiseth not his prisoners.
34 Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and every thing that moveth therein.
35 For God will save Zion, and will build the cities of Judah: that they may dwell there, and have it in possession.

36 The seed also of his servants shall inherit it: and they that love his name shall dwell therein.