Sunday, October 22, 2006


I was reading my friend's blog and I read something very interesting...

如果老天爺為你關一扇門,一定會為你開一扇窗。雖然,大部分的時候,從門到窗的距離,可能超乎想像的長,我們還是要找到那條路,從門,走到窗口那邊,才會看到一大片藍天。 藍天,原本就在,只是我們一直把自己關在房子裡。

I agreed on what the statement said.. *To those who can't read chinese, this is what the statement meant* If God close a door, He for sure will open another door for you. Though most of the time, the distant from the door to the window might be far away from what you are expecting, but we still need to find the way from the door to the window. Then only we can see the sky. The blue sky, is always there, is just that we always lock ourselve in the room.

Have you been locking yourself in the "room"? Well, I am not that sure about all of you, but I have been hiding in the room for quite some time... Why? Only God knows me well... I will be going off for a holiday for few days so I won't be blogging for maybe 5 days? Who knows... Hahaha... I want to rest... I miss my niece so much.. Will be meeting her tomorrow. Wee~ Can bully her again *Evil laugh*


Anonymous said...

Love those words: If god......i can tell that you have a relly positive attitude to face life, face every frustrated things....

thank you

Shan Shang said...

=) God is always there to brighten your day regardless of what is happening in your life...

Positive attitude? Trying to get that habit in my life... Always remember that regardless what happen, God allowed it to take place, God planned it, God knows you can go through it... And most importantly, God will be with you when you are going through a hard time =)

Gambateh neh~