Monday, June 25, 2007

The precious BFT

Ah........ What a nice day to start the week..... I was late for my math class... Don't ask me how come, I don't have an answer for it.... I can only remember Da and I got tonnes of scolding today =..="

Sentences that she (my lecturer) likes to used in class....

"I thought you took QAB last time? How come you don't know all this things?"
"Don't tell me you are from Indo......"
"How can you forget all those things you learnt? How come you didn't forget about your ex-girlfriend but totally forgotten your math?"
"Yes professor? How come you are not doing the exercise?" *She called all those student(s) who didn't do her exercise professor...*
"You talk more then I will give you more exercise"
"Faster, faster, how come so slow?"
"Girls should be faster.... FASTER....."
"Ah.... At least got girls who did the previous exercise"
"Shan Shang, I heard you gave somebody something but didn't give me...."
*Taking attendance* "Shan Shang!!! *I raised up my hand* OK, absent" =..=" I think the lecturer hate me for not giving her "something"... Hahaha....

And the list go on and on and on... But I do enjoy the class... Though a bit compact, but I really like it... I like the lecturer a lot... Hahaha... In fact, I got to know more regarding the purpose of doing all those calculation! After all these years, finally, I understood all those math lessons that I have learnt... Pathetic le..... =..="


Anonymous said...

-_-!!! not a good day...

i think i have not being scolded by teachers for almost 4 years d o...

College student's scolded by lecturer?! ashamed >.< I felt my face so hot just now... Siau khi...

"... or should i pull ur ear to make u remember"

"I never take QAB b4, mam..."

"so what?!"

shocked >.<

"so u cant make me remember anything regarding QAB n its family, mam..." - should i reply her this one a?! hoho

Shan Shang said...

Hahahah... Siao... U try saying that and you are so darn dead! Hahaha...

Linda??? Absent... Hahaha... Later mama receive letter again >.< Baka... She always marked me late!!!! >.<

Good la... Let you have some sweet moments in APIIT =P