Monday, October 30, 2006

Me and big fat pig..

I think it is clearly printed on my forehead that I like pig and I look like a pig? Haha... For many times I received this flash from my friends. However, thanks for sharing it with me... It brings back a lot of memories to me... Enjoy the flash =)

Saturday, October 28, 2006

First time..

TV is showing the Korean drama "Winter Sonata" again.. Instantly I felt in love with this song.. It is called "First time". Very nice music...

3 bears dance...

Not sure how many of you have the opportunity to watch the Korean series called "Full house". It is a very nice series to me... I know it is ages back but due to some incident, it reminds me of the show again... What is the most funniest part in the show is the actor and actress singing the "3 bear song"... Hmmm... Somehow remind me of the game called "True or Dare"... Hahaha... To those who understand this post... Keep it a secret... Haha.. I still got the picture of that person dancing this! Hahaha...

This is the NG section... Quite funny... Have a look at it..

This is the movie... Enjoy...

Friday, October 27, 2006

Can You Read the truth lies behind this misplaced words

Hehe, I got this from my friendster mail.. Interesting... Try reading it =)

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Dilemma... Should I take the risk? Should I stay in the room? Which step to take? Only God knows what is good for me... I really need strength, knowledge and wisdom to overcome all this trials.. I read a message from a friend which encouraged me to press on and hold on to Him. He said to me that when I am in a situation like this, just pray.. Pray as though you don't know anything and humble yourself down before the Lord. Every prayer will be heard by the Lord but whether He answer my prayer or not, that I can't decide but to wait patiently for the answer.
I just came back from my grandma's house on Tuesday. It was a fun trip... I was once again united with my relatives =) My niece and nephew are so cute! I was so shock that they are growing so fast! Getting taller and taller each day... How envy am I towards them... No worries, just happy moments... Despite of them getting bitting from their parents, they are really care free! How I wish I can turn back time... How I wish I can be like a child and just eat, sleep and play whole day... Never will I need to know regarding the world, courtship, study, family problems, financial problems and many more... All I need to do is just eat, sleep and play...
I was suprise that I can survive that long without a computer... Well, I didn't do much there though. All I do throughout the 3 days trip there is just eat, sleep and play! Almost every 2-3 hours I am eating.... =.=" My cousin kept on bringing me to foodstall to try out every single thing in Muar, they said I need to gain a little when I go back KL... Besides that, I have been playing with my nieces and nephew. They are really active! I almost go out of breathe playing with them! I do enjoy myself there though =)
The most irritating part of the trip.... Relatives asking me about 2 things... Courtship and Christianity... I really wave white flag to them... I kept quiet most of the time when they are talking about courtship. I got nothing to say about it... I can't believe that my cousin brother, studying only in Form 2 trying to court a girl! GOSH! Everybody there is talking about GF and BF... I really don't know how to react... I don't wish to flash back on my past. The only thing I can think of is... To flee... Run away when you can't take it... Joseph did that right?
What is right and what is wrong? Is it wrong for me to be single at this age? At this very moment, is it wrong to be someone that don't wish to get hurt? Why then people are pushing me to find someone and get married so fast? Due to your own desires, where you hope to have a grandchildren at such a young age doesn't give you the right to say things like that to me, right? I am not even their daughter but I was being questioned on my love story... Hmmm... It doesn't sound right... Who doesn't yearn for a relationship? However, I don't think my "angel" is ready to meet me yet hahaha. Let God lead... All His plan is to prosper me.... =)

Sunday, October 22, 2006

一切都變了? 其實只有自己變了

Got this from a friend's blog... Enjoy reading.. Hope you learn something =)


景 氣不好,B的公司規模不大,但是穩扎穩打的作風,生意並未受到太多影響,A的情況就不同了,飛黃騰達之後,A養成了好大喜功的習慣,公司表面看起風光,其 實有不少資金是向銀行貸款來的,幾次周轉不靈,廠商不願繼續通融,員工的薪水也好幾個月無法準時發放,終於撐不下去,公司倒了不說,還背千萬的債務.

有 一天,B去拜訪客戶,在街上遇到A,A看起來神情疲憊,B已經聽說老朋友的事,他熱情拉A一起吃午飯.開著車來到學校附近,在巷子裡一家不起眼的小店,B 點了兩碗蚵仔麵線,還有滷豆腐和燙青菜,A沒有想到B說請他吃飯,竟然如此寒酸,難道是見他落魄了,懶得應酬他,還是怕他會開口借錢,乾脆先裝窮,A的心 裡十分不舒服.麵線送上來了,B說,你記得嗎?十年前我們在這裡念書時,你喜歡吃這家的蚵仔麵線,說他們的大腸處理得好,蚵仔也新鮮,那時候我們沒錢,只 能吃麵線,連點個小菜都覺得奢侈,我想你大概很久沒吃蚵仔麵線了,我倒是常來這裡吃,也回味一下年輕時....

A不懂B究竟是什麼意思, 不過,A也想起來以前確實很喜歡吃這家的蚵仔麵線,為什麼畢業後再也沒來吃過,沒想到這家小店還開著,而且麵線還是很好吃,滋味完全不輸魚翅呢.B看A吃 出了滋味,便對A說,我的公司小,不能和你闖下的局面比,但時機不好,如果你不嫌棄,就先來和我一起做吧,將來有適當的機會,你想要另起爐灶也行,或是我 們哥兒倆就合作下去,都行.A沒想到B會如此爽快伸出援手,A的眼淚在眼眶裡打轉,將近十年沒連絡,B的情誼一點沒變,就像蚵仔麵線的滋味.A為了掩飾自 己的情感,故意捧起碗大口喝湯,放下碗時,他說:「謝謝你,帶我來吃蚵仔麵線,我以為很多事都變了,原來還有長久不變的滋味.」

有時候我們覺得別人變了 其實是自己變了 有時候我們覺得一切都變了 其實只有自己變了


I was reading my friend's blog and I read something very interesting...

如果老天爺為你關一扇門,一定會為你開一扇窗。雖然,大部分的時候,從門到窗的距離,可能超乎想像的長,我們還是要找到那條路,從門,走到窗口那邊,才會看到一大片藍天。 藍天,原本就在,只是我們一直把自己關在房子裡。

I agreed on what the statement said.. *To those who can't read chinese, this is what the statement meant* If God close a door, He for sure will open another door for you. Though most of the time, the distant from the door to the window might be far away from what you are expecting, but we still need to find the way from the door to the window. Then only we can see the sky. The blue sky, is always there, is just that we always lock ourselve in the room.

Have you been locking yourself in the "room"? Well, I am not that sure about all of you, but I have been hiding in the room for quite some time... Why? Only God knows me well... I will be going off for a holiday for few days so I won't be blogging for maybe 5 days? Who knows... Hahaha... I want to rest... I miss my niece so much.. Will be meeting her tomorrow. Wee~ Can bully her again *Evil laugh*

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Kenangan Terindah

I felt in love with this song.. It's an Indonesia song.. Enjoy it..

Aku yang lemah tanpamu
Aku yang rentan karena
Cinta yang tlah hilang darimu
Yang mampu menyanjungku

Selama mata terbuka
Sampai jantung tak berdetak
Selama itu pun
Aku mampu tuk mengenangmu

Kutemukan hidupku
Kau lah cinta sejati


Bila yang tertulis untukku
Adalah yang terbaik untukmu
Kan kujadikan kau kenangan
Yang terindah dalam hidupku
Namun takkan mudah bagiku
Meninggalkan jejak hidupku
Yang tlah terukir abadi
Sebagai kenangan yang terindah


Confuse soul....

I am confuse... Should I put this here? Should I put this there? Is this blog looking ok? Is this blog too boring? Is this blog making others dizzy? Haha... Tonnes of questions in my head. All that I studied previously suddenly came into handy.
*Looking at the time* Wao.. It is really late! I need to ask for opinion from all who visit this blog of mine... Yes regardless who you are, I just want you to give me some opinion on it. Is it readable? Is it making you dizzy? I need some feedback on it so that I can do better. I like editing hehe... I did this for 3-4 hours! Gosh... I really hope you all will give me some opinion. Don't worry, just "shoot" me... Anything will do. Thanks =)

Friday, October 20, 2006

Am I writing?

Hmm... Somehow the music is not working... I don't know why.. However, that is just a minor problem, it should be working after a few days? Hopefully it will be functioning.
It is raining outside. it is 1230am now. I like this type environment. I really give thanks to the Lord for the great weather. *Hugging my doggie* Yeah later can have a comfortable sleep. *Hopefully* Looking at my MSN list, the "away" sign is always display there. The more I look at the list the more upset I am. For your information, I am not upset because there is no one chatting with me but for another reason. I choose to close it and not wanting to know who is online in my list. My social life has basically gone down to the level where it is almost 0. I used to chat a lot with friends but now there's no more MSN chat box blinking at my toolbar. No, it is not I who choose not to talk to others but somehow, I don't know why, one by one, my friends didn't want to talk to me. Stressful chatting with me I guess =P
The trails that the Lord put in my life is seriously challenging. I am being push to the corner and asked to hold on to Him rather than the world. It is really a hard test. Can I go through this time of trials? I only know that God will never give us something that we can't handle. Hence, that means I should be able to go through this with His strength upon me. How much longer will this take place I do not know. All I know is God will never allow me to go through this more than what He has planned for me. Ok... I think I am getting blur... I doubt myself that I can understand what I am trying to express here.
......Star, star and more star.... *Stand up*
*Pengsan* (hoorrrrghhhh, Hueeeee, Horrrr, Hueeeee *Snoring*) ZZZZZzzzZZzzzzzZzzzzz.z...zzzZZZZZ

Mind reading

Hmmm... This is weird... How on earth the dog know my symbol? Hehe.... Interesting... Try it out..

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


☆词:Vivian 徐若瑄 曲:周杰伦☆
我是一条没有人养的鱼 背着自由面无表情
彩色眼睛受伤的心 只有看到黑白的你
我像一条没有人养的鱼 我的悲伤你不在意
说过的话飘过脸颊 我无法挥去一切从新再来


你的温柔总是来了又去 我的孤单(不稀罕同情)
你的电话忍住不打 我不想变成习惯等你回来
Fell in love with this song... Hehe JAY's product =P Very nice song... Meaningful? Yes, till some extend... The very first time when I heard this song, I am as though in the song... Instantly I fell in love with it... I will try and post the song in the blog.. Hopefully I won't face any problem with the server. =)

Monday, October 16, 2006


细细的雨, 轻轻的打在玻璃窗上。。 雨水慢慢的划了下来,堆积成水。。我的泪, 也仿佛雨水, 随着我的脸颊慢慢的掉下。。 心里的悲有何人知?心里的痛又有何人明?

“我爱你”这三个字, 终于说了出口但心里很清楚明白, 我的爱不配你。完完全全不配。。 你要的我都不能给你我最好的,我所能给你的你一概都不需要。 为何呢?难道你真的是为了爱?好虚假。。 一却的甜言蜜语, 一却的关怀, 一却的诺言, 所有关于你的一却, 我都要把它抹掉。。 所有的回忆我要把它通通抹掉。

已开始习惯自己一个人的生活。。。 单独的吃饭以开始是家常便饭了。。不可否认的一个事实就是我又瘦了。不清楚体重是否有任何的改变,但无法抵赖的就是我的裤都变得很松。。星期五所发生的一却一却,导致我宁可单独的过我未来这几年的生活。我心里的痛, 心里的苦,唯有上帝知。 我开始慢慢的爱上孤单,我开始对“出街”这两个字有了恐惧感。。慢慢的失去对人的信赖,慢慢的对这世界里的一却失去了兴趣。。。

太过了解自己了。。 我知道当我爱上一样东西的时候, 我会紧紧地抓住。永不明白为何我就是那么喜欢在感情上写上一段一段的伤心结局。已千吩咐万吩咐自己一定不能再写如此的故事了, 但就是一个不听话的手,偏偏与我作对。现在的我已对人失去了兴趣,我的信心已渐渐的放在上帝身上。。 身边的事一概都不想理会了。。 由上帝来带领我吧。。

舒服多了。。。 哈哈, 我相信你们应该不知我在写什么吧。。 无所谓啊, 因为我就是如此的无聊吗 =P

Discussion vs knowledge gain

Guess where am I now, while I am writing this blog... I am in the library! Yes, yes, I know, I know.. This is illegal... Yes, yes, I know I am a library assistant.. Well, this conclude that I don't have a high mental model? =P

I am darn stress... I am arranging my database (DB) notes again. I really thank God that, today, for the very first time, I understood what my lecturer is teaching! Well, it is not because she is a changed person but today's chapter is related to my past subject. Therefore, I can understand her teaching.... At least now she is not pushing the class too much...

Having a very serious headache now, that is what lead me to break the rules and blog! Really am tired... I have no idea what I have learnt today though... In one of my classes, we are suppose to have presentation and debate on the tutorial questions. However, due to the lack of preparation on the tutorial question, the lecturer ended up didn't teach anything in class. He started a discussion in our class. They started a discussion on sex education and porn. Is it really porn that lead us to have a low mental model? What happened to the world now? How come so many of the teenages are so casual regarding this issue?

I am... Speechless.... I ended up reading a book that I brought along with me... Dead boring discussion... I don't really like it when people open a discussion on such sensitive issue. Well, is not that I am not open-minded but for the fact that it doesn't have a conclusion after the end of the discussion, then why bother discussing it? If you are discussing such issue with an elder or a pastor, well I will be joining in the talk. However, I don't wish to talk on this issue in the classroom as I know it well that it will turn out to be a void conversation. In addition, you might get misleaded! True enough, after the class, I didn't gain anything. I doubt that anybody from the class gain any extra knowledge as well. Nevertheless, I think they enjoy themselve in the discussion...

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Champion... Can anyone beat his record??

Well, well, well... I got quite good responds from my friends for the helicopter game. I was actually shock about that! I didn't realise people browse throught my blog haha... I realise something about my friends... They are really good in games! Haha... Somehow, I don't know why, one of my friend's character remind me of the South Park video clip in my blog... He sounded to me like as though he was in front of the computer, doing nothing but playing the helicopter game! Haha... I think you know who you are.... Want to know how good he is? I will post his result here...

This is his highest... Hmmm... Somehow, guy will always be a guy... The ego in a guy will always lead a guy to want to have more... Hehe... After few minutes, I got good news from him....

I really speechless... Can anyone ever beat his record? Hmm.. Should I reveal his name? Hmm... Haha... *Applaud* CHAMPION!!!!! This is what I called the power of "APIIT student" Haha... Lifeless?? Hmm... Decide yourself... =P

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Helicopter! Helicopter! Helicopter!

You think you are an expert in games? Can you fly a helicopter? Try to play this then...

Try it Click on the helicopter, hold the left mouse button to go up and release it to go down. It's not as easy as it seems. Enjoy it ~! =)

Troubled mind...

I am going through a miserable life lately... Well, what can I say? It is all caused by my own hand... God reminded me one thing through CF, having conviction of sins doesn't mean you are a Christian. That is only a part of being a Christian. So what you have conviction of sin? Are you fighting your sins with God's word? Do you hate your sins? Do you put a stop towards it? Do you pray specifically for strength to overcome your sins? Do you kill your own desires? If I manage to put a stop towards my own desires, is that a lasting effect? There's so many in my head... If I were to write down all those in this post, the post will be drag on... Only God knows precisely what is in my head...
I had a bad news on Friday... I was totally crushed by it... I woke up today, sitting on my bed, asking myself, is that true? Is that what it is happening all the while but my eyes were blinded? I really thank God for opening my "blind" eyes. Yes, I don't deny that the truth always hurt but it is the truth that brings life, isn't it? I pray and pray for the feeling to leave me... I didn't want to have any relationship with those feeling... The aching heart, the shivering hand, the numb body, the puzzle thinking, the malfunction brain is the only description I can used to describe myself.
I was chatting with my friends while I was writing this post. I realise that human can't be trusted. Suddenly, what happened yesterday flash back in my head... Saddening... Words are so sweet, but in reality, all those are lies. People stabbing another person at the back is such a common thing in my life. How well they portrait themself as... How loving they describe themself are... How touching when they said that you are always in their head before they think about themselve... Only one thing I wanted to let them know... Don't say something when you don't meant it. If you don't tend to keep your promises don't even bother to mension it. Don't tell me that time passes by, people will change. Yes, I know that sentence well. Since you know that you will change, why tell me things as though you are so certain that you won't change for the rest of your life?
Liars? I don't know.. I don't know how to categories people like this. I don't think they even know what I feeling now is seriously painful. I know all things are under God's control, everything happened in my life for a purpose. I think it is because I didn't learn my lesson well for the past few years, hence God allowed these type of situation to come in my life again and again. Making sure that I learn my lesson well and hold on strong on Him.
What is right and what is wrong? I lost my definition on this two terms... People claimed that due to environment, they changed, therefore, what they said previously are not valid. Is that right? Why then it is wrong when I didn't carry out what I said? Is there any fairness in such situasion? Well, human will always be human isn't it? They can never be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Only God can... I really need to learn to put trust in Him rather than men.
I am greatly troubled lately, but tomorrow will be a brand new start for me... Another Sabbath day.. =) Awaiting for the moment where God's word recharge me again... Another moment of happiness...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wipe your slate clean?

I received this from a friend and it makes a lot of sense. Thought you guys could relate.

This morning I was getting a bite to eat at a restaurant. The waitress came by my table and muttered something in a tone I couldn't quite hear. As she's waited on me many times before, I said, "Huh?"

"New day, same old shxx," she said. Then she pushed her index finger in a downward manner, as if pressing a rewind button. She even said, "Everyday is like a recording."

I smiled and said, "Naaaah."

This brightened her day a bit - even though I really wasn't responding in a way that agreed or disagreed.

Truth is I DO agree with her. SHE is reliving each day as if it's the same.

Yet, when I go to the same restaurant and am waited on by her, each instance is totally new to me. Even if I order the same food, it's still new. I don't bring the same old me to the table each day. I bring a NEW ME, someone with fresh Aspirations, Inspiration and Ideas.

One of the biggest reasons why people have trouble succeeding is simple: They won't let go of their past.

Instead, they recall, relive and dwell on all the negatives.

Negatives like:

Previous failures
Negative opinions of others
Their own fears and self-doubts

All of these negatives are like old chalk left on a blackboard. (I love that analogy.)

It can be removed by simply taking out an eraser and wiping the slate clean. But this is only going to happen when you are willing to do so.

In order to rise above the old chalk, though, you must do MORE than wipe the slate clean though. You must also give yourself NEW instructions.

These new instructions are no different than the other words you would read on a blackboard or computer screen - with ONE major distinction. These words are Positive.

They are Pure and Powerful. And they're designed to take you where you want to go in life. They're are not designed to keep you stuck in the past.

There is a time and place to recall the past - but it's the positive past that needs to be recalled most of the time; the past that, when focused upon, causes you to create MORE success experiences.

Each night, before I go to bed, I make sure I wipe my slate clean of mistakes, failures and setbacks. I wipe the slate clean even if I think it doesn't need it - because I know that forgetting to do so makes for a slate filled with notes that someone else placed on the board. Don't let anyone put notes on your board, yourself included, unless they are leading to the fulfillment of your goal.

Sunday, October 8, 2006

South Park in Warcraft

I was browsing through my friend's website and I saw this... This is funny... Though it takes awhile to download the thing but it is really cute.. Haha.. Enjoy..

Edit: Youtube has removed the video due to copyright infringement.

Friday, October 6, 2006


I am stress up... Though it is a short semester, though it is just 7 weeks but the tension is getting more and more... The pressure is so hard until I can hardly breathe... Almost everyday, I am too tired and my eyes will automatically close down once it strike 1130pm. Almost everyday, my eyes will be fixed on database. The lecturer is seriously madness... She tried her level best to clamp 1 chapter in 1 and a half hour. If 5 to 10 min break is minus off from the lecture time, she left 1 hour 20 min. Then minus off the time she used to take attendance, around 10 min as well (My class is quite big), that means she left only 1 hour and 10 min. Can you imagine that? One chapter will have like 30-50 pages of slides... 1 lesson... 30-50 pages of slides... In addition, I have other classes besides database class.... STRESS! No I am not stress because I can't handle the long hour classes and too much of information in one day... But it is more on... Do I even understand what on earth the database lecturer is teaching?
To be honest, she manage to finish up 3 chapter in one week, which is quite impressive! That is half of my test paper topic covered! However, I don't understand what on earth she is trying to teach.. I understand only partially of the lesson but not fully.. She is basically reading the slides as though I can't read well. She kept on saying " I will cover this later in the next chapter..." GRRRR... Don't know what to say about her... In addition, my class is quite noisy... A big class I have, what can I do? Ask them to tone down? Impossible... Ask them to leave? Even more impossible... To cope with it? Yes I am... Hence, I am force to stay back and study the database. I wasted a lot of time reading as I can't understand much... What to do, this is my first time studying and I need to sit through 2 tests and 1 exam.. 6 chapter in 1 test! Madness... How to score? Super brain also no use...
Ahh... Feel much better after blurting out my feelings... Bluek...

Monday, October 2, 2006

Chicken? Think twice...

Yam yam... Isn't this nice? Delicious? What do you think this is? Chicken? Well... Scroll down and find out yourself... *Below will be the process of preparing this delicious food*

A closer look on the food... I think you might be thinking... What on earth this girl is trying to emphasis... Hehe... Keep guessing...

Yes, after looking at this picture, some of you will think that without any doubt this is for sure a chicken dish.... Is it? Continue to scroll down...

Wee... WELL SEASONED TO TASTE GREAT!!!! Preparing to deep frying...
Cutting them up into pieces

......The SECRET....
YEUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got this from an E-mail... Written there...