Friday, May 2, 2008

Interesting facts

I was checking my mail and suddenly my friend send me this through MSN. I was looking at it once it finished transferring. With a puzzle look on my face, I messaged my friend and asked what on earth is he sending me and why send me such thing....

He.... Pointed out something very interesting from the picture.... "Look at the gender" That's all he said.... When I looked at it... -..-" Stupid..... "Male, Female, DOUBT". It's actually in the option box!!!! Look carefully... IT'S A GOV website!!! It's actually a government website! Look at the picture below, click on it and enlarge it if you can't see it clearly. It's blur if you don't click on it...


Anonymous said...

I saw this one in The Star News and I am still trying hard to understand what do they mean by "doubt" in that area....


Shan Shang said...

Hahaha.... People who are not sure their sex? Hmmm... sensitive issues...