Thursday, July 26, 2007



May I know why??? Why am I so LAZY????????????? T.T I HATE MYSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

-_-!!! as u always said... "Determination"

I'm very lazy also, but sometimes imagining - getting < 10, that one even stressed... haha...

Study study study... if not Mrs. Kwan will pull ur ears or might kick u... haha

BuBble said...

Stay strong!!
God bless ^^

Shan Shang said...

=..=" She changed her style to pull hair.. Jom cut boy cut~~~ =P

Sedang trying to gambateh neh... SO DARN HARD! >.<

Anonymous said...

u go boy cut later she pull ears. Which wan more painfull?


Anonymous said...

people peopleeeeeeee... NO TIME TO PROCASTINATE or be lazy!!!

You ladies will be in third year SOON, so laziness WILL fail you! MUAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahaha...

jann the biggest procastinator

Shan Shang said...

=..=" Both also painful, do I have option C where I pull her ear instead of she pulling mine? =P Siao... Later BFT == NF... Hahahah... Then remodule... THen c her again >.<" Hahhaa...

YO Janz~~~ MAKE PPL LAGI STRESS!!!! DOINK!!!! Shu SHu Shu... GO gambateh in ur FYP =P