Friday, February 26, 2010

A question that's not a question...

I was watching a Korean comedy show yesterday night and I couldn't stop laughing at them... Well, after a long day in the office, it is truly nice to have a good laugh at the end of the day =)

Something interesting was brought up of when I watched the show... It goes.....

A: How was your result last time? Are you a good student?

B: Emmm... I was good at some particular subjects... Not all.... I like language classes but my math was horrible. Even up till now, I can't do any multiplying questions AT ALL.

C: Oh... Is it? Hey, I faced the same situation as you! But I am not that bad until I can't do any questions regarding multiplication.

D: *directing question to B* What is 6 * 7?

B: Emm.......................... Sorry, I really don't know..... I know the answer for 1 * 7 though. *laughing*

E: *Looking at D* Hey, do you know the answer for your question? I doubt you even know the answer yourself! *Giggle*

D: *calmly* Tell me E, who on earth will actually ask you a question when he / she already know the answer? If so, it won't be called as a question, isn't it?

*Silent for a few second.....*

E: *with a serious looks* Sorry D, it is my mistake.

*Everybody burst out laughing*


Now..... 633 wonder.... During her school day....

When the teachers set exam questions for an exam, do you think they know the answer for it? If your answer is yes, why then is it called exam QUESTIONS? If no, does that mean they too need to sit down with us and study together? =P

OK, enough of my lame joke. Enjoy your public holiday =)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Lamunan? Realiti?

Angin bertiup sepoi-sepoi bahasa, dengan lembutnya terpukal akan mukaku... Aku memejam mataku dan mengizinkan diriku "melayang".

"Adakah semua ini lamunan saya? Adakah kata-kata kesat itu dituju terhadapku? Adakah semua ini satu pembohongan? Adakah perubahan itu benar?"

Entah sejak bila, air mata mengalir perlahan ke pipiku. Dengan segera aku menjenguk ke gendela. Permikiranku keliru dan sering kali persoalan itu tertimbul dalam mindaku. Aku menggeleng kepalaku dan mula berdoa.

"Mengapa Engkau berdiri jauh dan menyembunyikan diriMu pada waktu ini? Bangkitlah, Tuhan, hulurkan tanganMu dan janganlah sesekali melupakan aku."

*Mengesat air mataku* Teringin aku menafikan kebenaran tersebut namun, itu tidak mungkin.. Semenjak hari itu, dimana aku telah memilih jalan ini, aku sepatutnya bersedia untuk menanggung segala-galanya. Baiklah, biarkanlah aku menanggungnya dengan hati yang gembira. Hanya satu permintaan daripadaku, iaitu, Tuhan, bersama-samalah dengan aku.
P/s Tarikh Luput untuk "lamunan"mu: 12.02.2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Come... Come.. Come...

To every toiling, heavy-laden sinner, Jesus says, "Come to me and rest". But there are many toiling, heavy-laden believers, too. For them this same invitation is meant. Note well the words of Jesus, if you are heavy-laden with your service, and do not mistake it. It is not, "Go, labour on," as perhaps you imagine. On the contrary, it is stop, turn back, "Come to me and rest." Never, never did Christ send a heavy laden one to work; never, never did He send a hungry one, a weary one, a sick or sorrowing one, away on any service. For such the Bible only says, "Come, come, come."
=Hudson Taylor=
I am weary and tired... Somehow, I was reminded of this song. One of my favourite hymns. =)